I Have Strange Dreams...Maybe I've Eaten To Much Cheese?

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I finally stopped watching and went inside, my mum was cooking but I knew that it was for her and not me, I always had to get my own food or I'll starve, I tried not to eat for two day's to get her to notice me, nothing, it was like she didn't even care anymore, maybe she didn't, but I couldn't cope with this!

I told mum I was going out, I don't know why I bother, she just ignored me as usual but that didn't stop the stab of pain in my aching heart.

I walked to the park and fell asleep on the bench, it somehow felt so much better than my lonely bed in the flat.

I fell asleep underneath the star's. I had the strangest dreams.

I was in some sort of camp?

A boy, with eye's that reminded me of the ocean and war came out of one of the cabin's talking and holding hands with a girl, her eye's spoke of wisdom but also battle's, they reminded me of warriors but the one's that have learnt from their mistakes and have been through so much, I had no idea how I knew this, I just did.

"What are we going to do? I swear there have been so many new Dem-gods, I lost count, I had to separate about 6 fights today and Thalia should know better" She said.

"Well she does need to be knocked down a peg or two" He said smiling.

She sighed giving him a look "Be serious Percy, did you think it's a bit odd two new Demi-gods of the big three show up at the same time? Louis and now Zayn, we also have two Demi-gods who haven't been claimed yet, and one of them may be Roman"

Percy pointed out "Annebeth the Romans are fine, we get along now"

Annebeth said "Badly, we tried to play games with them but we all are to competitive when we get together specially you and Jason"

Percy huffed "I won "

Annebeth laughed "You almost lost before you won though, see what I mean? You would do anything to prove you're better than him, as he would you, you're both to Alpha male for your own good"

Percy chuckled and held Annebeth so she stopped walking with a suspicious looking smirk on his face "Your point?" he asked.

Annebeth giggled and their faces became closer, I looked somewhere else, not really wanting to watch the make out scene.

However luckily "Jackson! Chiron needs you!"

Percy looked irritated and was about to respond to the other boy that had come out of one of the cabin's but Annebeth stopped him "Go on, go, Chiron might have some insight on that monster, we're tracking"

Percy sighed and gave Annebeth a kiss on the cheek and left her quickly.

The guy teased Percy "Busy are you?"

Percy rolled his eyes "Shut up Leo"

And Percy walked into the cabin, I had an strange feeling to follow him, but before, I looked into Leo's eyes, I saw hardship and loneliness and for a second I thought his eye's turned slightly red, I thought I saw fire reflected in his eye's. But I followed Percy into the cabin before I could wonder about it.

And there before my eye's was an half horse, half man...What?

My dream was weird, a centaur I think they call them.

Percy wasn't surprised at all, "What is it Chiron?"

The centaur, Chiron said "We found the Maenad"

Percy quickly looked more attentive and I could see how his body language changed, Percy's looked calm and determined, he seemed to change from normal teen to warrior and leader.

"Where is the address?" Percy demanded.

Chiron handed him a piece of paper and Percy quickly came out of the cabin calling out "Thalia! Stop bugging Louis and get over here, we've got a Job to do!" his voice had changed too and rang out as a clear order.

His voice was laced with authority before I woke up I thought I wouldn't ever want to get on his bad side...

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