Keep It To Yourself

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But I recognised that it also served as a warning. It seemed to flash dangerously,

the Hellhounds backed of quickly. They looked terrified... As I looked at the symbol I recognised it and I realised why Harry's father claimed him now, it didn't just let the world know who his father was it was letting the hounds know to, the symbol basically  meant stay away from my son or else.

If Harry's father was an minor god then the hounds would of payed no attention to this sign but at the moment they were running away fearing for their lives and rightly so. Everything seemed to make sense, Why Nxy had come into my dreams, Why she had warned Hades not to attack them and why I could hear her second warning in his head.

"but once you know keep it to yourself" I knew, I knew who Harry's father was and I knew that once the gods found out their may be a war, I couldn't let anyone know "keep it to yourself" yes that's what I would do. It wasn't my secret to tell after all


What was that symbal? Harry had been claimed but by which god? why didn't I recognise that symbal? It didn't ring any bells for me but pehaps it did for Louis as he saw the symbal he let out a shocked gasp and took a step backwards, fear, shock and a sudden understanding seemed to flash though Louis eye's.

And why did the Hellhounds run at that sign? I was going to ask him later but Harry had to be attended to first as we all ran over to Harry the rest of the Hellhounds ran as soon as the last one disappeared from sight the symbal floating above Harry's head disappeared.

Was it that his father had somehow knew that Harry would be in mortle peril so had waited for this moment to claim him? or was it for anouther reason that Harry's father claimed him underground away from the other monsters apart from Hellhounds and other gods prying eyes?

Like it was meant to be a secret?

But Harry's wounds made me forget what I was thinking about man those claw marks were deep. Harry was on his knees breathing hard and clucking his stomach in pain, blood was pouring out of it. Niall  got out our first aid kit in his bag as he struggled to wrap the bangegis around Harry's chest looking slightly ill at how much blood was coming out.

Louis quickly took over, not botherd by the blood and Niall gladly let him, I gave Niall a small smile "don't like blood?" Niall grimaced looking even more green "hate it" he grunted. Louis inspected the bangesis, once he was sure they were stopping the flow of blood, he helped Harry to a standing position.

Harry was white as a sheet and was trembling slightly from pain and shock.  I bent down to pick up the Uncousios Zayn, but he was already slowly waking up so instead of picking him up knowing he wasn't to badly hurt I yelled in his ear "Waky Waky Sleepy head!!

Zayn woke up and yelped scrambling away from me.   And gave me a death glare once he realised what happened, I winced if glares could kill...

But we all laughed at that easing the tension and fear that was still coursing through us.

We realised if Harry hadn't been claimed...we might not have made it out of that cave alive.

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