Chapter 5

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Double D POV

When Kevin said that he 'loved me and I should trust him' should I, should I give up all the things I've hid for so long. Disgrace my family, my parents' wishes. Baffled by my thoughts I just kept walking, I ended up at the park past my house before I knew it. I went and sat on the swing and I check my pocket to see if I had my phone so I can drowned out my thoughts and it's not there.... It must have fallen out when I ran from Kevin. Time had flew by it was dark as I took off my beanie and looked at it, No one should be out walking around I thought. I just sat there with my hair covering my face as I stared down at the hat and tears starting falling down my face. When did it get this hard to pretend to be someone I'm not? Is it because I fell in love?

Kevin Pov

I walked outside to see where he ran off to and looked down and found his phone, I walked back inside thinking he will realize and come back and get it. The Chinese was getting cold... I ate quietly and I look at the time, damn time flies when you are alone. It was 10:37 pm. I decided to walk some Chinese food and his cell phone to his house so I can apologize for being pushy, I shouldn't be pressuring him to tell me if he doesn't want to... I got to his house in about 10 mins. I rang the bell 4 times no answer. Maybe he is sleeping? Maybe he isn't home? I decided since I was on this side of the neighborhood I might as well go sit at the park so I left the food on his door step and took the phone with me as an excuse to talk to him when I got the chance. As I got to the park I saw double D sitting on the swing it was too dark for him to see me and he looked to lost in thought to hear me. That's when the unexpected happen I have been wanting to know for years why he wore the hat and why he was so feminine looking what was the bandage on his chest did he get hurt? He just took off his beanie and let the long hair cover his face and started crying and said quietly like he was trying only to say it in his mind "why is it getting so hard to pretend to be something I'm not?" he said something else that I couldn't quite hear. Does this mean he is actually a girl? I have so many questions... I made a coughing like noise as I got closer. Double D's head snapped up and wiped the tears and tried to hide his hair, but It was pointless I had already seen It so I held out my hand and stopped him. "Kevin... I... ummm" tears started pouring down his face... at least I still think he is a he, I'm not really sure anymore...

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