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Like I've already said, I am Dragon, my account was hacked.

And wow, I'm happy I save all my works on my computer... so I'm just posting the other chapters I already had, with some proofreading and editing.

This story takes place two months after the ending of Season 1.

Also, I am aware of the Avatar arc of Fairy Tail, and how everything changed... but, well, it doesn't work for this story, so...


A 16 year old girl with long blonde hair and gray eyes walked through the woods, looking around uneasily, clutching her green bow by her side. It's not like she wasn't used to weird places, but she had fallen into a portal, and ended up in this creepy place.

She had no idea how it happened. Her and the team had been fighting Killer Frost, when a black portal opened under her, and down she went. The last thing she had heard was Wally's-her boyfriend -voice, yelling her name.

So, yes, Artemis Crock was nervous.

This wasn't the first time she'd been nervous... she practically had a break down when the cave was infiltrated by murderous robots..

For a moment, Artemis wondered if an evil group of powerful villains, called The Light, was responsible. It would make sense. They had a grudge against the Justice League... They even put the League under their control for almost a day. Six of the heroes, however, were off the grid for 16 hours. Nobody had any idea what they may have done.

Anyway, Artemis knew that Klarion, one of the members of The Light, could summon portals. He was definitely a person of interest.

But where was she? Her GPS said she was still on earth... But it didn't know the country.

Artemis froze, narrowing her eyes. Suddenly, she spun around, loading an arrow and, on one knee, pointed it in the direction of the noise. "Whoever you are, you might as well come out!" She said dangerously.

There was a moment of silence, then a man with long black hair and purple eyes stepped out of the bushes. "Hello." He said. "My name is Marx Filleh... you can use that bow, I presume?"

Artemis nodded slowly, not sure where the man was going with this.

"Wonderful." The man said. "Then...." He waved his hand in her direction. "Art of Mind: Memory Blast!" A blue laser shot out of his hand, and hit Artemis straight in the head.

She gritted her teeth as she fell backwards, clutching her head. Thousands of images rushed through her mind... a man with gray hair... a potion... a book....

All the memories, along with the black haired man's thought, were now her's.

Artemis groaned, shakily standing up. "What... was that?" She asked. The man smiled.

"My magic deals with the mind... I inserted why I learned into your brain... you now know how to use a type of creation magic... get in the stance where you are about to shoot."

Artemis frowned, but as the memories inside her compelled her to trust him, she did so. As she did, a green bow made of pure light was created in her hands.

"Whoa!" She yelled, falling back. The man laughed quietly.

"Practice, young archer.... then, when you're ready... go to a place called Fairy Tail."

The Arrow Of Fairy Tail Book One: Rise Of A DragonWhere stories live. Discover now