Hard Memories

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Change of plans... the Avatar arc and Tartarus arc, in this universe, has been moved up a couple years.

Anyway, the picture is of young Artemis and Jade. (if it shows up)


Three Weeks Later

"So, what's this mission?" Artemis asked as she peered over Lucy's shoulder.

"It says we need to go and find a book that was lost some time ago." Lucy explained as she read over the paper. "It says it's a dangerous book, but..."

"Let's do it!" Natsu interrupted enthusiastically.

"Aye!" Happy added from his spot on Artemis's head.

"Okay." Lucy said with a shrug. "The good news is we can probably walk from here... the book is supposed to have been last seen by an a dried up river... apparently, the owner of the book said he would go get it himself, but he's on his death bed."

"Let's leave now." Artemis suggested. "It's the warmest part of the day."

"Yeah!" Natsu added. "The sun is shining, the birds are singing... plus the food stands will be open!"

"Natsu, you destroyed all the food stands last week, remember?" Artemis sighed. Natsu frowned.

"Oh, yeah."


The four walked down a dirt path. Natsu had managed to find a restaurant, and was currently devouring a bucket of turkey, while Happy was chewing on a fish, floating beside them with white angelic wings.

"When do you think Gramps is gonna tell us who's in the Grand Magic Games?" Natsu wondered aloud, and Artemis frowned.

"What are the Grand Magic Games?"

"They're a guild tournament." Happy explained. "A bunch of magic guilds from around Fiore compete in a bunch of challenges to decided what guild is the best."

"Fairy Tail won last year, obviously." Natsu added.

Lucy looked at Artemis. "Hey, Artemis, what did you mean when you said you needed a family?"

Artemis stiffened. "I don't like to remember that."

Lucy cast a sympathetic look at her, but continued to walk in silence.

Happy frowned. "Hey, Natsu, does this feel familiar to you?"

"What?" Natsu finished his food and tossed the bucket over his shoulder. He frowned as well. "Yeah, it does... when have we been here before?"

"Let's just split up and look for the darn book." Artemis said. "The riverbed is right there." she gestured to a small canyon, that had signs of a river once running through it.

"Okay." said Lucy. "I'll check on this side." She slid down the side of the river bed awkwardly, almost falling over, before reaching the ground. Artemis did the same, however she did it gracefully.

Natsu and Happy were still thinking. "This feels so familiar." Happy muttered.

Natsu nodded. "Yeah..." he rubbed his neck under his scarf. "But where have we seen it bef-" his eyes widened as he felt the scar on his neck. "Aw crud."

Artemis, her eyes raking the ground found the book they were looking for: a book with what looked like a four-leaf-clover on the cover, with mini hearts inside the leaves. The title was 'Memory Days'. She opened it up, curious about what was inside.

Natsu bolted down the riverbed, Happy on his heels. "ARTEMIS!! PUT THAT BOOK DOWN!" Natsu screamed.

Lucy looked over, and she when she saw what book Artemis was holding, followed Natsu. "ARTEMIS!"

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