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"That... was one of the weirdest things I have ever experienced..." Artemis gasped as she heaved herself on to the riverbank. "And I've fought a ghost..."

"You... you call that weird?" Gray chuckled. "Last year... we fought baby dragons..."

"And seven years before that.." Natsu added. "We fought a super powerful dragon named Acnologia."

"Hey," Lucy interrupted. "Where's Erza?"

"She fell out of the train right before Natsu surprised that Loki chick by sheer luck." Artemis replied.

"Hey!" Natsu protested. "It wasn't luck!! It was skill!!"

"I'm sure."

"There you guys are!"

Artemis looked up to see Erza, back in her regular attire, standing on the bank. She looked beat up, but she seemed to be fine... you know, for someone who almost fell off of a train.

"Hey, Erza!" Natsu waved. "Did you see that Loki girl on your way up here?"

"No." Erza replied. "I thought she threw you four out of the train."

"Natsu here lucked out and pushed her." Gray answered. "I hate to say it, but if she'd have stayed, we would be dead by now."

"Agreed." Lucy nodded. "She was crazy powerful."

"She's one of the most powerful people I've ever seen." Erza agreed. "I'm surprised Natsu managed to catch her by surprise."

"She was really full of herself." Artemis stood up. "She was in the middle of a speech talking about how we couldn't beat her... she got too arrogant."

"She called herself an Ealivian." Gray said. "What the heck is that?"

"I've never heard of that." Erza admitted. "But I'm sure we could find out..."


"The library might have some information." Lucy offered.

"Yeah, we could check the library in the guild hall." Gray added.

"But we still have a problem..." Artemis pointed out. "How are we gonna get back!?"

"We walk."

Three hours later, they'd barely walked twenty miles.

Artemis and Natsu were practically crawling on the ground.

"So.. thirsty.." Artemis moaned.

"Need.. water..." Natsu added.

They were in a clearing, with no shade from the hot sun, (which didn't even make sense as it was April) and they hadn't seen water ince the river.

"Artemis, can't you use a water arrow or something?" Happy asked. Artemis shook her head.

"The arrows are for combat... the water would just explode..."

Erza was still thinking, ignoring the complaints.

"My guess is that the job we were taking was a trap." She said. "The Ealivian probably put it up."

"What makes you say that?" Lucy asked.

"Because she knew we would be on the train."

"Artemis..." Natsu gasped. "If I die... don't let Happy eat my bones!"

"That's just gross, Natsu." Happy huffed. "Your bones don't taste like fish!"

"It's wonderful that you know that." Lucy sighed.

The Arrow Of Fairy Tail Book One: Rise Of A DragonWhere stories live. Discover now