Chapter 1

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Before I start the story I was just like to say that I am in no way copying anyone's ideas. These are straight from my head and I've wanted to write this for a while. Please do not copy any of my work because I spend alot of my time writing this and it's also called plagiarism. And if anyone is taking my story, I'd also like you to tell me if so. Hope you enjoy!

   Morning before incident.

   After getting ready for school, I grabbed my keys and backpack after saying goodbye to my parents and walking outside to my car. When I pull out of the driveway to go pick up my best friend Kassia for school, my phone buzzed from its spot in the cup holder. I glanced at my phone from the cup holder and smiled instantly, seeing the text was from Harry.

   I met Harry on twitter about 9 months ago. He tweeted about the same 1975 concert I went to and had some really good pictures from it so I pressed favorite on all of them. After that he sent me a private message and we started talking about how amazing the concert was and kinda hit it off from there. He lives in Miami and I live all the way up here in Chicago. But for my 16th birthday, my parents suprised me with concert tickets for me and Kassia to see the 1975 in Miami. So after Harry and I met over twitter, I was already on my way back home but we still kept in touch and texted daily though.

   Still smiling, I opened his text and it said,

   *Babe, I miss you. And that's bad because we haven't even met each other in person. Xx*

   Laughing lightly, I replied,
   *Hahaha, I miss you too Harry. But I'm gonna be late to pick up Kash for school and I can't text and drive. :((*

   He replied literally almost two seconds later,
*Alright, see you later. *

   I quickly sent an 'ok' back and headed for Kassia's house.

   Kassia and I have been best friends for many years and she lives right down the block so we take turns taking each other to school. We do everything together and are with each other everyday almost. She knows everything about me and I know everything about her. We have a really tight bond. She also knows about Harry because I used to FaceTime him all the time before his iPhone broke and had to start using a galaxy. They were nice to each other mostly. But we haven't got to FaceTime in a month because his phone can't do FaceTime anymore, so we just text. Which kinds sucks because I loved seeing his curly hair and green eyes everyday over the phone.

   Sighing, I pull up to Kassia's house and just honk the horn a bunch of times. I bet the neighbors hate us because even Kassia scolds me for it. But she fights her smile as I keep honking while she's running down the driveway to my car. We are pretty similar actually. She's got long dark hair like mine, we find almost everything funny, we like all the same bands but her height is just a few inches shy from mine.

   Scrambling to my car, she finally opens the door, out of breath. I laugh and ask, "Jeez Kash, what the hell are you doing that's got you all out of breath?"

   She scowls and says, "Oh, I Don't know. Maybe because you honk the horn like an idiot and I'm trying to get out here as fast as I can so you don't wake up every person in the neighborhood!"

   While laughing loudly I say "Just get in the car and put your seat belt on! We're gonna be late for school!"

   Still laughing, I look over at her and she's putting her seat belt on while fighting to keep in her laughter.

   "Just shut up and drive" she said while laughing and turning on the radio. She ends up playing one of our other favorite bands, One Direction. We jam out all the way to school and finally make it there before all the parking spots are taken. Grabbing our bags, we hop out of the car and make out way up to our dreadful school.
Junior year has been good so far, I mean as good as school can actually get.

   Walking in the doors, we made our way to our lockers that were right across the hallway from each other. Opening my locker, I grab all the books I need for first hour and shut it. Just as I was about to go over to Kassia's locker, I saw my other close friend Ryley making her way to my locker. I waited for her to get to my locker before saying anything.

   "Hey girl. Ready for homeroom?" I asked, and she nodded while we made our way over to Kassia's locker. Us 3 were like 3 Peas in a pod, but Ryley lives on the other side of town, so with me and Kassia being practically neighbors, we were always together. We had Ryley over alot, so don't get me wrong, but Kassia and I's bond is a little stronger.

   Luckily all 3 of us have the same first hour so we meet up with Kassia and make our way there.


Hello! I know this chapter is kinda boring but it's my first one so I had to put as much back ground info as possible. Next chapter will be alot more exciting. If you like this book, feel free to like or comment or anything. Hope you like it.

Also, you pronounce Kassia like (KAH-SH-AW)

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