Chapter 5

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       Zayn's POV

Did he really just say that? To Harry's girl? As we started walking, I couldn't understand why Louis would call her that if he knew his limits. Harry would kill him for saying anything like that. Our job is to get to know Jessie, not fucking compliment her. We have specific guidelines to follow so I don't know what went through his drugged up head when he said that. I followed Niall as he led us outside to talk about what just happened. Once we got outside, I couldn't hold my thoughts back any longer.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Do you not remember how bad of a temper Harry has?" I reminded him.

Louis shook his head and looked down towards the ground, "Don't you think I know that, mate? Of course I do. But would you look at her? And them tits? No wonder Harry keeps talking to her."

I actually found myself getting angry at his comment. Even though I had just met these 3 girls today, they seemed like good people. I probably shouldn't get myself emotionally inclined with these girls because I knew what my job was, but I couldn't help it. The moment I laid eyes on Ryley, she just took my breath away instantly and I couldn't find it in myself to look away from her. 

Liam scoffed bringing me back to the moment I had just dazed out of on accident. My anger soon reappeared when I remembered what Louis just said.

"Are you fucking kidding? You're an ass," Liam said while looking at him disbelievingly. 

Louis just grinned and shook his head. How can he always lighten up the mood in the most serious situations? I looked over at Niall just in time to see him crack a smile. Am I the only one who isn't finding this funny? 

"Do you guys understand what we will be doing later? You can at least be nicer," I said sticking up for those 3 innocent girls sitting in there. They are probably in there worrying if they did something to piss us off for us to walk out, but no. It's just Louis trying to get into a girl's pants as usual.

"You know, shut up Zayn. I'm just fucking with you guys," he said shaking his head. I narrowed my eyes at him to see if I could believe him. I decided to and suggested that we may want to go back in there before they suspect too much. 

"Yeah, alright. Let's go back in then," Niall said as he started walking towards the door. Soon, we started walking inside and I couldn't help the tiny flicker of happiness that I felt because I knew I would see Ryley again. 

       Jessie's POV

The boys were gone for a long time and I started to worry if we did something to set them off. I have no clue honestly. Right on cue the boys walked in and returned to their seats. I didn't miss the smirk Zayn gave Ryley as he sat back down in his seat. They started digging back into their food like nothing had happened and decided to just go with it. 

Soon we were back to talking and just having casual conversation like before they all walked out. I let the others talk as I just sat back and listened after I finished my food. I let reality sink in and it almost made me laugh. So I met some hot tatted up guy at school, then invited him and his friends to sit with us at lunch. Then they asked me and my friends to show them the town and I took these 4 tattooed up guys in my car and here we are. 

I realized I was staring out the window and was about to engage in the conversation before I felt my phone ring. I looked at the phone and it said I was getting a call from Harry. I excused myself from the table ignoring Ryley and Kassia's curious gazes as I walked outside to answer the phone. I clicked answer before it was too late and asked, "Harry?"

"Hey, what's up?" he asked curiously. I thought it was an emergency because he usually doesn't call me during the day or much at all.

"Well, I've had quite the day honestly," I said while picking at my fingernails aimlessly. 

"Tell me about it," he asked generously. It made me smile to realize how he actually wanted to know.

"Well, I met these four guys at school and they are pretty cool. I almost got pulled over with seven people in my car. And now we're at Chick-Fil-A and one of them just hit on me. I mean he is nice bu-"

"What? What is his name? What did he say?" He asked interrupting me in mid-sentence. I almost smiled at the fact that Harry got jealous that someone hit on me. 

"Harry, it's okay. I didn't flirt back or anything and me and him are just friends. I promise," I said reassuring him. 

"Jess, you didn't answer my questions," he said more forcefully. His statement almost made me frown because of his rude tone. 

"Calm down, Harry. You don't have to be rude to me about this. He was just being nice unlike you right now," I said surprising myself.  Me and Harry never fight, so this is so different to me and makes me slightly upset that we are doing this.

"Well fuck, don't get smart with me," he said making my jaw drop in surprise. He is not going to talk to me like that at all. 

I hung up on him and I felt a single tear fall down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and started back on my way inside. I was soon in vision of the table and I saw Ryley and Kassia look up at me. They could tell my cheeks were red and my eyes were slightly glossy. I shook my head to dismiss their questions and gave them a 'I'll tell you later' look. They still look concerned but decided to ignore it as I sat back down. 

"So what did I miss?" I asked but as soon as I finished my question, my phone started buzzing. I looked down to see Harry's name. I looked up at everyone else to see them looking at my phone trying to be nonchalant. I watched as everyone averted their gaze from my phone to somewhere next to them or behind them. 

I hit the ignore button because I am with my best friends and new friends right now, and I am not going to let this ruin the light mood I walked in on. Kassia being the best person ever decided to speak and save my life, "Nothing much. But you missed Niall balancing a spoon on his nose."

I looked at him curiously and he just gave me a grin. I never realized how straight and pretty his teeth were. He caught my stare and his grin turned into a smirk. I averted my eyes and said, "Wow, mind showing it again?" I looked back up again and he nodded while grabbing a spoon.

And that's basically how the rest of our meal. The boys surprisingly opened up a little more and started doing all these little tricks and such. Everyone was laughing and having a good time and I found myself not worrying about my conversation with Harry earlier. 


Hey, I've been trying to update more often cause I've had a little extra time. If you guys like it you can like or whatever. Well it's getting closer to time to meeting Harry! Also, I am sorry for the cussing. But from now on, I would like to warn you of vulgar language, drugs, violence and such. Thank you for reading. Xx 

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