Chapter 4

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       The last three hours after lunch went by really fast and before I knew it, all the boys were already joining me at my locker with Kassia and Ryley. Looking at them, I asked, "Ready?" They all nodded and I led the way to my car. Once we got there, the boys all got in with Louis in the middle of Zayn and Niall with Ryley and Kassia in their laps. I was internally laughing because it was really awkward at first but they soon eased up. Liam sat next to me in the passenger seat, and I was grateful for that because he was so sweet and good looking. 

Liam looked at the radio then back at me and asked, "May I?"

       I was quick to answer, "Oh yeah, of course. Sorry if you don't like my music though. Not many people do." Which is true because other than my best friends, I never hear anyone talk about Twenty One Pilots or the 1975 or any music like that. 

       He slowly turned the volume up and instantly smiled when he heard Heavydirtysoul by Twenty One Pilots playing. "Jess, you like them too?" He asked with evident suprise in his voice. 

     "Yeah that's one of our favorite bands." I said excitedly, while trying to pull out of the parking lot. 

      "Sweet. We love them too." He said, giving me a warm smile when I looked over to him. I turned up the music really loud and started yelling,  "CAN YOU SAVE, CAN YOU SAVE MY, CAN YOU SAVE MY HEAVYDIRTYSOUL?!"

       Soon, everyone was singing loudly and after that song ended, I turned it down slightly to ask them, "Do you guys want to stop somewhere for some food before we go look around?" 

       Liam answered with a brief 'Yeah'. But I didn't hear anyone from the back say anything so I turned back to look at them briefly to see both of the girls sitting sideways with their feet on Louis's lap and one of their arms hooked around the boys necks for "support". 

       I smirked and turned around only to see I blew a stop sign. My eyes went wide and I cursed loudly, "Shit!" I looked around and noticed their weren't any cops around for me to get pulled over. Thank Goodness. 

       I looked over to Liam to see him smirking. Wondering why he was doing that, I asked "What?" 


"I like a good bad ass." And after he said that, my cheeks turned a little pink and I kept my eyes on the road. He is so cute, so don't get me wrong, but I feel like me and Harry have such a strong thing going, I couldn't just drop him for a man I met today. 

"Well, thank you." I smiled. 

       "Chick-fil-A everyone?" I asked loudly so the people in the back could hear me, but before I could hear an answer, I heard police sirens right behind me. Sure enough, I look in the rear view mirror to see a cop car right on my bumper. My eyes widened in fear because I remembered that I had 7 people in a car that could only fit 5. I looked over at Liam to see his his eyes with worry as well.

       I pulled over and rested my head on the steering wheel. I cursed as loud as I could, "Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!" I raised my head to look if the officer was heading this way and he was, of course. 

       Right when I thought my life was gonna end, the cop passed me at the last second and drove around me. I have never felt so much air whoosh out of my body at once from the anxiety of the situation I was just in. I turned around to look at all them to be met with wide eyes before we all broke out in laughter. 

"Wow, did that just happen?" I spoke slightly breathless. 

"Yes it did," Liam said evenly. I turned to him and he gave me a quick wink. In return I playfully rolled my eyes with a smile and focused my attention out the windshield again. 

"You know, you almost had me freaked back there," Niall said behind my seat as I pulled off. I chuckled lightly, and focused on getting us somewhere to eat before I do something stupid again.

Before long, we arrived there with no further disruptions other than the guys being perverted in the back. Some of the things they were saying actually made my jaw drop because they were so gross. That's guys for you though. We went inside and quickly ordered before finding a table to fit all of us. 

I looked around at all of them and thought how other people would react to 4 tattooed men walking in with us 3 girls. The thought made me laugh lightly as some lady came back with our food. When we were sitting down, I really got a chance to take in their facial features and boy, were they hot. I also got to analyze how Niall had his hand resting on Kassia's thigh. I was going to have to talk to her about that. I turned to Ryley to talk to her to only be met with the back of her head as she was turned talking to Zayn. His arm was around her shoulder, and I really needed to talk to both of them right after this. 

I picked up a fry and looked up to see Louis staring at me with a smirk on his face. I gave him a friendly smile thinking he will look away but he didn't. I decided to ask him, "What?"

"Nothing, you are just beautiful," he said shyly. My cheeks were burning up, I was sure of it. His comment was met with a cough from Niall and I also heard Zayn clear his throat. 

"Thanks Louis," I spoke suspiciously with my eyebrows furrowed at the noises the boys were making.

"Will you girls give us a minute?" Zayn spoke while standing up looking at the other guys before looking towards us. Us girls nodded in assent before the boys got up and walked towards the door outside. 

"What was that even about?" Kassia asked with thick suspicion on her face.

"I have no clue," Ryley replied while shaking her head. 


Wow, I have not updated in so long. Sorry this wasn't that interesting but that's why they call it the rising action, right? Okay next chapter is going to be in one of the boys's point of view. Comment, like or whatever. Lol hope you liked it!

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