The Move

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*in the moving van*
"Cant Dad just keep his job in California instead of us having to move all the way to Virginia?! I'm going to lose all my friends!!!"

"Enough Terra!",my Mom snapped. "You are 15 and you should be old enough to cope with moving, I know that you are going to miss your friends but this is just a stage of life".

Blah blah blah, well before any of this gets to intense I should tell you more about my self. As my mom said I am 15, I have dirty blonde hair and I'm about 5"3. But enough about me lets get back to the story.

"Terra your mother is right you need to listen to her, I know this is hard for you but you need to except change, besides at this new job I will make double!" "Oh, alright I guess I can give this place a try."

*time skip*

*later in the day*
We're here!, yelled my dad. He's probably the only one excited about this move. "Oh honey isn't this house lovely!"

I take that back my mom seems excited to.

"Its ok", I said. "Well you guys I guess we should set up the T.V first don't you think?" "Ok, I guess that could be fun Dad." "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be right back." "Okay honey, oh Maria could you hand me that wire?" "Sure honey!"

I love my family and all but sometime I just need five minutes away from them, I thought as I walked to the bathroom.I truly hope my parents are right and i can make some friends here.

*after the bathroom*

"TERRA GET IN HERE NOW!" Oh no what did I do? I thought to myself, just before I could speak those very words, I see whats on the T.V., Its a map of the world. Theres a red dot on every country....

first it was just a threat but since the U.S strike on asia the world has fired off everything its got, allies turning on allies, brother vs. brother, if you see this message pack a bag of food, clothes and any other necessary supplies and find a fallout shelter. Nuclear blasts are deadly and if you are not in range of a missile the fallout is bound to reach you.May god bless you(message repeats)

"Dad what does it mean?!" "Terra, go get a back and pack it with everything you need." "Ok...."
*once Terra is gone*
"Did she read the bottom Sean?" "No she didn't see it"

(at the bottom of the screen)
*due to limited space in fallout shelters only children are permitted in*

"What are we going to tell her?" "I don't even know what to tell myself Maria."

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