Training Day #2

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What on earth was that 'thing' that coach showed us yesterday? He just showed us for 2 seconds then covered it up and said the real training starts tomorrow which is now today, oh boy I hope this goes well

"I'm off to trainig Katrina I'll see you later." I say as im about to walk out the door

"Alright Terra honey be safe and remember always carry your rad away!"

Rad Away: a really nasty tasting substance that purges your body of radiation, taint or poison that can be found in the waste land, it was invented about a month ago and has been found to be very useful

"Alright bye!" I yell through the doorway before I shut the door

As I start walking down the corridor towards the training facility I see Jenny in the her cooking class learning all the dos And don'ts of food down here

"Jenny!" I shout towards her, I don't think she heard me though

Ugh oh well its not like shes gonna be going anywhere, I mean shes a cook she wont going outside

~~~~~~~at the training room~~~~~~

"Alright guys its time to get down to business!" Brad screams at us in a deep voice

Suddenly he brings out that big suit we saw yesterday

"This is the steel ranger utility suit, it has advanced medical aid, high flexibility, its light weight, in the helmet can help you aim and shoot, and if a part of this suit becomes damaged it can take a piece of metal and bend it to fit until you take it to a shop to be repaired." He remarked

"Umm coach what do you mean shoot..." Justin mumbles

"What else would I mean Justin I mean that outside normal wildlife has been mutated and poisoned, for all you know you'll have to battle a huge tiger-bear!" He remarked

Oh thank goodness, I thought I'd have to shoot people......

"Also there is going to be people in between the blast zones that are probably insane or mentally unstable, we will try and take care of them but..."

"We might have to shoot."he mumbles

Oh shhhhh---


"Hey calm down recruit!" Brad yells

" Now enough talk now its time to get down to business, we have made you each 1 custom suit that will resist radiation or any other very harmful things 'outside'." He remarked

"Today you will learn how to use the suit, then you will try then on an see how you like them."

"Yes sir." All three of us said in unison

~~~~~~~~a little while later~~~~~~~

Down in training facility was a manual that had all the controls and procedures for the suit, coach told us 3 to sit down and read it fully, as I was just finishing learning everything about the suit, brad came over to me

"Terra I think you are ready to try on your suit now.", he said with a smile

" Totally unfair, how come blondie gets her suit first!" Drake screeched

"Hey! I have a name you know!" I yell


"Alright guys come on we don't have time for this!"
"Now Terra you come with me, and you to stay here." He said grumbling

As I turned to walk out of the room I saw Justin and Drake still on the ground reading, but just before I left I saw Drake look up from his book and wink at me

What does his wink mean?!?!?

~~~~~~~~~in the suit room~~~~~~~

"Alright Terra this one over here is yours!" He said

" So do I just get in it?" I asked

"Yep, you know how everything works, correct?" he asked

"Yes, I know ok I'll just get in then.."

As I stepped closer to the suit it split in two and allowed me to step through, inside was all the controls I learned about and man it was so cool! The visor made everything look green and just by looking at Brad I could see all his weak spots and see where just to hit him to defeat him

"Woahhh" I mumble

" Congrats Terra you've made it through your first stage of training!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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