Chapter Eight

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Hello everybody, it's about time that i updated... geez it's been almost a month and a half. i have had a bit of writer's block, so it's been hard to come up with new ideas, in fact, a recent idea for the next chapter came from a dream. i am pretty sure there aren't any spelling errors, but if there are, please note them, and remember to leave a comment if you can't get to the links so i can put them in the comments for you to copy-paste. and i couldn't find a good picture for this... also, leave a comment if to want me to put pictures of various items that were links into the picture box above.

Matt and Eli decided not to tickle Oliver, and he came out of the back room, and i guessed it, holding my baseball bat... i don't give a shit if it's weird, i'm weird. i finally end a hetalia fanfiction on Quotev called "Why Me" it's fucking insane. Romano and Italy are both evil mafiosos', but not their 2P's and kidnap the reader, then close to the end they rape her. when she's in the hospital after figuring out she had a miscarriage, then italy says "I think we messed up" i leave a comment, and say it out loud.

"'I think we messed up' he says... NO FUCKING SHIT YOU STUPIDO FOTTUTO BASTARDOS'! FUCKIN DUMASSES!" i yell in rage, while typing furiously on my phone (Fun fact: that actually happened X3). i swear i almost broke the screen.

"Alright, calm the fuck down" Eli says. not looking up from my phone i flip him off, while still typing with one hand. "I hate you sometimes" Eli says, rubbing his temples.

"Все ваши ненависть идет к моему несуществующего хуй!" i say in russian, aka "All your hate goes to my nonexistent dick!" sound familiar? yes i have a very colorful vocabulary in different languages too (Fun fact: thats a fact for me too XD). i look up from my phone and walk to my bunk. i breathe in through my nose and smell what smells like... weed...(But author, How would you know what weed smells like. Fuck you i know shit (if you get this reference, i love you), and it's not because i smoke it, fuck no, i am thirteen.) i face palm. "Dammit Matt! Are you smoking weed again!?" i exclaim. Matt opens the door to the back room.

"How do you know these things?" he asks with a weird expression.

"Because i have the nose of a fucking bloodhound, now stop, it smells like shit, at least open the window" i say, opening the door. i see oliver sitting on the couch we have back here. "and you brought Oliver into this? just... no, no" i say, getting Oliver on his feet. "Matt. When i come back here again, Anything that involves weed, better be either put up, or the window better be open. if you ever drag Oliver into this again, i will murder you" i say with a terrifyingly mad expression. i put oliver in his bunk, and then i change. i change into a White and Gold Striped shirt, and a pair of batman pajama shorts. the shirt rides kind of low, right to the beginning of my bra, and a little of of my shoulders, considering i'm not the most muscular woman, and it's about 1 size too big, but stops a quarter of an inch below where my pj shorts start. i walk to the back room, and Matt is sitting there, with the window opened a little. he looks at me and his eyes widen. i glare at him.

"Uhhh..." he says, looking at my legs. i glare more.

"If you drag oliver into this again, and/or if you check me out again, i will knock you out faster that you can say 'Oh shit'" i say with my arms crossed. he nods his head fast letting out a small "mhm" i nod and walk out. i go to the couch and turn on the TV. i go to TNT and see that supernaturals is on, it's a rerun obviously. Season 2 episode 17. the one with werewolf girl. i get close to the end and then BAM! Sex scene. "Whoa! whoa! okay? Thats...what the fuck!?" I exclaim, looking away from the tv. it didn't show anything but still. this is why i usually look up music videos on tv. i sigh and go to my bunk, deciding to go to bed earlier that usual.

~7:30 in the morning~

I wake up to silence, and that sucks. the reason it sucks is because i can hear the electricity running through everything, and it's so high pitched that it gives me a headache. i sigh and get my phone and put it on shuffle. Paralyzer by Finger Eleven starts to play. i leave one earbud in, and the other is hanging loose. i sigh again and go to the back of the bus, since we're still on the road. i open the back window a bit. i go to my Skull bag. i open it and reach into a pocket that i haven't used for a while. A few packs of Marlboro cigarettes are in there. i only go in there when i'm stressed, or in a bad mood. right now, i'm in a bad mood. i grab one out of the pack and grab my plain red Bic lighter. i light it and take a long drag off of it. i let out the smoke and run my other hand through my hair. i sit down on the couch and take another drag off of the cigarette, shorter than the last one. i hear one of the guys get up. i look up after hearing the door open. Matt stands there looking at me.

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