3: first impressions

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The strangest part about being famous is you don't get to give first impressions anymore. Everyone already has an impression of you before you meet them.
- Kristen Stewart

Chapter 3: first Impressions

September 16th, 9am
When Death opened his azure eyes, it was the morning of the next day. Death knew what today already meant for him. It was the day he finally got to meet Tomata.

It was day 2 of his mission and Death was already the neighbour of Tomata. Death thought he was doing well with this mission of his and in no time, get to watch the girl be killed. He had it all planned out!

Hearing his human stomach growling, Death decided to visit the breakfast café around the corner later on. Hopefully, on the way, he might bump into Tomata. Then, try to civilise a conversation between them.

Death felt an immense pressure weighing down on him. He knew first impressions meant everything. He simply just couldn't mess this up or it might just cost him his job!

Scrummaging through the wardrobe, Death wanted to find clothes to change into. He spotted a white buttoned shirt and black jeans, which was enough for him. He decided to stick with the same church shoes.

Changing in front of the window with his back turned away, Death couldn't help but realise how muscular his human body was. He knew this was what females liked about males. Chuckling to himself, he tried to imagine a swarm of females bothering him for kisses.

After his ridiculous moment, he felt eyes penetrating through his back. He had this odd, puncturing sensation at the pit of his stomach as he thought he was being observed. He felt uneasiness dance up his spine and back down again.

Turning around, he stared out of the window. Only to see a female, about the same age as he, glaring at his body. As soon as she realised Death caught her, she immediately shut her binds in embarrassment.

Death smirked to himself, "already have a secret admirer, it seems." His husky voice echoed in the house, as it was just him alone.

Closing his binds, he wondered if the female staring was Tomata. It could be anyone, who lived in her household. But, if it was her, this made the mission a lot easier. Death knew she already developed an attraction towards him. But it could have been a anyone.

Subsequently, Death walked to the closest café to quench the grumbling of his annoying stomach. The sun flared over Death as he strode over the cemented pavement; he hummed peacefully to himself, thinking deeply about his mission. His thoughts came to an brusque stop when he stood in front of the café.

Making his way through the painted grey doorway, Death was instantaneously welcomed by the sweet smell of happy souls. Furthermore, the mouthwatering scent of breakfast didn't fail to excite his human stomach. It felt like this café produced an enchanting wind of exhilaration that gasped the sadness of its guest and locked it in a mystery box, just leaving happiness to allure in the atmosphere.

Death took a seat and waited for a waitress to take his order. He took hold of the menu sitting in front him and began scanning. He decided to get coffee with toasted bread and bacon.

"May I take your order, sir?" A feminine voice asked, startling Death.

Looking up, he noticed it was the same female who was spying on him awhile ago. He now got more of a full picture and gradually examined her. He realised she had hazel eyes and pink lips. He found the beanie she wore on her head adorable and cute.

Death caught a glimpse of her name tag - which read 'CLAUDRATTE WOOD'. Death acknowledged her as Tomata's sister as she was too young to be her mother. He was still a step closer to Tomata - maybe he could get through by her sister.

Blushing, Claudratte noticed it was the male she was spying on. She felt edgy and awkward standing in front of him. He probably thought she was a creep, she thought to herself.

Giving a smug look, Death grinned, "A coffee and toasted bread with bacon please." Nodding her head, she hastily walked away, embarrassment withered all over her face.

Death found her cute, however she wasn't attractive in his eyes. He wasn't looking for anything else from her but friendship and a closer lead to Tomata. You could almost say Death was planing on using her and he didn't care.

Receiving his breakfast but from a different waiter, he wondered if he had such a massive affection on her that she didn't want to face him. He only just met her, though. "Females are confusing."

Picture of Claudratte :)

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