6: exes

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Have fun with your life. I'm done trying to be in it.
- Anonymous

Chapter 6: exes

September 17th, 10am
Death drowsily opened his azure eyes, only to shut them back immediately. The slight gap between the curtains allowed the illuminating rays of sunshine to almost blind Death impeccably. Somehow, Death opened his eyes without being mortified by the sun and sat up.

He yawned as the memories of last night flickered through his brain. He remembered Daniel letting him in without any consultation; meeting Miss Bankclar; Claudratte's pessimistic, uncomfortable behaviour around him; and finally meeting Tomata. Death thought it went better than planned: his first impression.

In spite of this, Death pressed on the urge of removing any discomfort Claudratte had with him and cleaning the air. At first he found it quite cute but now, it's was just plainly annoying: her intensive side glares, her overall vibe, her cautious behaviour. She, actually, made Death feel awkward every time she was in his presence - she could be a distraction in this mission.

Sitting up, Death summoned his goblin to earth. Despite how irritating the goblin was, Death missed him. He was always by his side, up until now but that was soon about to change.

Gushes of smoke filtered the room and the room became heavily vaporous. Various objects began to gradually levitate around the room. This happened for around 5 mins or so.

Emerging from the chaotic cloud of smoke, the frightened goblin stumbled in. He scanned his surroundings carefully. Dumbfounded, the goblin suddenly met the gaze of his master.

"Took you long enough, goblin," Death criticised nonchalantly. Death quickly grew bored of the goblin and notified him, "I'm going for a walk. I'll be back for half an hour. Don't do anything stupid." The goblin nodded his head.

As soon as death's feet made contact with the cemented concrete, he was immediately introduced by the calm wind. The smell of nature, exuding from trees and grass, caressed Death nose gently. Taking a deep breath, Death welcomed everything.

Walking peacefully on the pavement, Death began to carefully formulate his plan for Tomata. How was he going to lure her into her own death - by making her fall in love with him or making her trust him deeply? Trust played a crucial part in this, which Death acknowledged. If he was going to have any chance of succeeding at his mission, he was going to have to be trusted by not only Tomata, her surroundings too.

Death had until October 15th, 8pm to kill this girl, a month after he landed on Earth. Time was running out every second! He had exactly 5 weeks, 35 days, around 840 hours. Seems a lot to an ordinary human but let's not forget Death is no human deep down.

Snapping him out of his thoughts, Death heard a familiar voice yelling. "Get off me! Get off me!" He quickly twisted his neck to the owner of the troubled sounded voice.

He saw Tomata and a teenager, who looked her age. They seemed to be arguing but the boy looks as if he was forcing himself upon her. Tomata kept thrashing in his hold but the boy just wouldn't give up.

This caused anger to radiate off Death. He didn't know why he cared or why he even shared interest of what was happening. If it was anyone else, he would've just kept on walking but he stopped for her.

Death marched over to the pair and immediately connected his powerful fist to the face of the boy. This made the unknown boy stammer backwards in surprise. Wiping the blood from his nose, the boy stared at Death in pure abhorrence.

The boy attempted to swing back with a clenched fist but failed miserably. Death caught his fist just in time before it touched his face, smirking. Death then squeezed the boy's hand and it snapped under pressure. Death was satisfied as the boy screamed in pain.

"Stop!" Tomata shrieked, frightened. She obviously condemned violence as her tears began to trickle down her free blemished skin.

Death didn't know what came over him. He's never been so furious or temperamental in such quick time over a girl. How could he let his walls down so quickly?

The boy took advantage of Death being distracted and swung with all the energy he had left. Death staggered on to the floor, his face aching from the hit. Then darkness swallowed him.

When Death opened his eyes, he noticed the different scenery. Where was he? He scanned his surroundings, looking for any danger. He saw he was on a bed, not his though. There was a first aid kit on the table beside him.

"I see you're awake," Tomata muttered, standing by the doorway.

Tomata walked towards Death, worry clear in her eyes. She checked Death's temperature then sat beside his bed. She softly caressed the bruise on his face.

It slowly overwhelmed her as she realised what he done for her. He fought for her without even being ask to. Because of this, he was now being aided. She felt guilty, almost. He sacrificed his face for her.

Why would he go through the trouble? They barely knew each other. She knew nothing of him but his name and the fact that he was courageous for what he done earlier. Yet, he still decided to fight for her.

Maybe she was overreacting. Maybe she was just over thinking the situation. Of course you'd try to stop it if someone was being harassed. There was no need for her to be over complicating things.

"What happened?" Death asked her, in turmoil. He couldn't remember much from earlier; everything was vague.

Tomata continued to rub his bruise, gently. "You bravely fought for me after seeing me be harassed by my ex. You was distracted and he took a cheap punch to your face."

Suddenly, the memories of yesterday flashed before Death's eyes. He started remembered the events of yesterday: seeing Tomata struggling against a boy; being angered; fighting. He actually did fight for her, to Death's surprise. 

Out of nowhere, Tomata put her warm hands on Death's. Squeezing it, she smiled. Her touch sent unknowing tingles running through Death's spine - which was unusual. Death had never felt this way before. So, why make now a charmer?

"Thank you, Luis," Tomata grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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