_My promise_

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Leslie's POV

I ran down stairs to see my dad on the phone with one of his friends. We say our goodbyes and went our sperate ways.

I went to pick up my best friend mariam from her house to go to school as she walks out i see her having an argument with her parents again. She hops into my car and i drove off leaving her parents outside with a unfinished argument.

"I had have enough of them!" mariam screams into my ear

"Calm down, you can hang on for a few more months and i promise we will have our own house" I told her

"Ok.." She looked at me with a sad expretion in her face

I changed the topic and asked her about the upcoming tour of Ghost Town and her favorite band Black Viel Brides. She quickly answered me with our plan to go see our favorite bands

A few minutes later we arrived at school. "Great" i sarcastically said to mariam. She looked over to see what i was staring at, and thats when she saw jake walking over. Mariam looked at me with a worried look. Just when i was about to leave jake grabs my hand tightly and and wispers into my ear. He was threatening me about my dad losing his job if i break up with him. I put on a fake smile and kissed him in disgust he smile at me and says "Thats my girl!"

He walks of and starts hitting on another girl.

"You know he's a jerk, i just dont understand why your still together" mariam says

"You know why" i told her with a sad face.

She looks a me with a huge smile and says "So are you exited for tommorow?" she asked trying to change the topic.

After school we went home and started planning every thing for tommorow.

I looked at my friend mariam and she was very happy.


Sorry if this chapter was long and horrible but i promise it will get better soon!!

My favorite accident(kevin ghost fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora