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Before you read my stories got mixed up sooo read the next chapter first**

Leslie's POV


"Ugh" I groaned as I hopped out of bed. It's Monday and I was too sore to get dressed. I walked downstairs in yesterday's clothes and saw mariam on the couch with tears in her eyes. "Mariam? Are you ok?" I said as I tried waking her up.

"No" she responded as she slowly got up. "Can we miss school today?" Mariam cried " I wish but if your parents find out they'll come looking for you" I said trying to make it fast as possible. "Ok, I'll get ready give me 15 min" she said as she quickly got up.
We arrived school. Mariam was quiet and looking out the window but me in the other hand was scared of what jake might do to me. I got out of the car and started looking every for jake. I felt hands wrapped around my waist tightly. I turned around to see jake with a black eye.

"Jake I'm so sorry I promise it will never happen again!" I plead "I know it wont. Your coming home with me right now!" Jake said with a serious face. "Ok" I replied. I gave the car keys to mariam and followed jake to his car. I kept my tears in not knowing what he'll do to me.
Oliver's POV

Since yesterday's incident I can't stop thinking about mariam i wanted to see her again but i knew it was to risky. I wanted to ask andy about it but her was still fighting with juliet. So i did what any normal person would do and search the nearest schools from her house. I searched and one school came up 15 minutes away from my house. I grabbed my car keys and drove off.

Mariam's POV

"Mariam, your step brother is here to take you to a family trip" Mr.Arena said handing me a piece of paper. I gathered my stuff and headed to the office,I wanted to know who this ¨step brother¨ is since didnt have any brothers just a sister. I opened the door from the front office and my eyes grew wide opened when i saw who it was.... Andy. I was so sad i wanted to cry but i hold them in and said ¨sorry i think you have the wrong person, i think juliet is preparing for her concert¨ i said as walked out of the office but unexpectedly I fell on top of a guy.¨Im sorry i didnt see where i was goi-¨ i stopped talking as i saw who I was on top of.¨Dont worry, I always loved the view¨ He said with a smirk. Andy was standing right by the door with a confused look on his face.

Kevin's POV

¨Should i call her?¨ i asked Manny ¨I SAID YES A MILLION TIMES¨ responded Manny with an annoyed face.I stood there as i looked at her in my  contact. "wait..."manny said "where did you get her number?" "Mariam gave it to me" I lied "ok..." he said with a suspicious tone. I dialed her number and waited for her to answer {ring..ring..ring..} someone answered "Hello?"said a deep voice. I played along as i thought she was pranking me or something "Hello this is Leslie's Father, who is this?" I got worried since I heard Leslie in the back round crying "Its jake her boyfriend, Leslie is a little busy right now she'll call you later" He hung up before i even said anything back. I rushed to the school trying to see if mariam knew where jake lived so a could go get Leslie. "Come on manny lets go!" I said as i rushed to the car.

As I got there there was a police car parked out front. I didnt really think of it much at first but when i saw Andy coming out with hand cuffs. "Shit"i said under my breath.

My favorite accident(kevin ghost fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt