_To Early?_

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Andy's POV

I can't stop this feeling I have for Mariam. I feel like kissing her... But I couldn't do that to Juliet.

I snapped out of my day dream as soon as i heard Leslie screaming for some one to stop,
I came over to see what the problem was just to see some guy beating up Kevin.

It took me a few minutes to break them off. That guy looked angry at Kevin, Then he looked over at Leslie with innocent eyes. I wonderd <how do they know each other?>

Leslie's POV

Andy looked at me with a confused face. "Get out!" I yelled at Aaron. Aaron got closer to me and I stepped back a bit, Kevin saw the fear in my eyes as Aaron got closer.Kevin threw a punch
at him which made Aaron step back and we ran inside as quick as we could.

"Idiot" Andy told Kevin

"Oh my gosh!,What happened?" asked Mariam

"Ill go get some ice" said Andy

Andy gave me the ice and Mariam wanted to explain my past to him in the master bedroom.

As I cleaned Kevins face I couldn't stop blaming my self for what happened to him. "Im so sorry" I apologize trying not to cry.

He cupped my cheek and i stopped. I look into his eyes and realized that he was staring right back. He leaned over to kiss me, We separated after we heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Sorry to interrupt but we have to go" Andy told Kevin

Kevin got up the couch really quick and walked over to Andy

"Nice meeting you" Kevin said as he waved goodbye.

I was so confused. I went upstairs to see Mariam frozen. I walked over to her to see what happened.

She finally spoke, "He kissed me"


Andys POV

I looked over at mariam as she explained what was happening, but i wasn't listening I just stared at her... She looked so beautiful i couldn't take it anymore. I leaned over and kissed her. It felt good to just forget abou the past and just her. I pulled back and saw the confused look in her eye's. I looked confused too.

<im suppose to be with juliet> i thought and ran out of the room before i kiss her again.


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