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*It was time. 10:00 has finally come.*

*With Kyndal and Diggy*

Diggy- So Kyndal, have you made up your mind yet? Before you answer, I just want to let you know that I am totally okay with any decission that you make.

Kyndal- Yeah, i made up my mind, and I think we should give it a shot. I know that you may be a player and all but, I believe you when you say that you've changed.

Diggy- I promise I did. Im just really happy you decided to give me a chance Kyndal. I'll show you how great of a boyfriend I can be!

*With Jaden and Bahja*

Jaden- I still cant believe you did that Bahja...

Bahja- What did I do?

Jaden- You took Princeton from Kenya! You're so lucky he's a fool!

Bahja- Im a fool too! haha, a fool for you *winks*

Jaden- Oh hell no! I aint like that! I love Mariah and you should be saying the same thing about Prince since you wanted him so bad yesterday!

Bahja- Oh shut up! Your just mad that you are stuck with that thing you call a girlfriend and cant have me!

Jaden- Mariah is the most beautiful girl that has ever walked the face of this Earth! And at least she has respect for herself instead of throwing herself at every guy in sight! Leave me alone you slut!

*Bahja just sat their with her mouth opened. She couldnt believe what Jaden had said to her. Maybe he was right. Maybe she needed to change her ways.*

*With Jacob and Peyton*

Jacob- So you're a model?

Peyton- Yeah, for Wet Seal 

Jacob- That's really cool! I used to have a girlfriend that was a model.

Peyton- Oh that's cool!

Jacob- Hey umm... there's something i need to tell you Peyton... but your not supposed to know so act like you didnt hear a thing when we get out tomorrow morning...

Peyton- Okay what is it?

Jacob- Prodigy likes you. A lot. 

Peyton- What is up with all of you Special 8 Guys and having crushes all the time!? Oh my goodness!

Jacob- Peyton. I am serious. This isnt just your average crush. He's in deep. 

Peyton- But what the heck!? I heard that he liked Kyndal yesterday!

Jacob- I know... that was one of those little "Oh she's cute" crushes... the one he has for you... Oh gosh.

Peyton- What the heck does he see in me?

Jacob- I don't know... but he's planning on doing something big for you tomorrow!

Peyton- What is it?

Jacob- I dont know, he wont even tell me and Im his best friend! 

*With Trevor and Zendaya*

Zendaya- Okay, so you know I'm basically like your counselor right?

Trevor- Yep!

Zendaya- Well... I know every little thing that goes on in this house. And I know that you literally made the biggest mistake ever by leaving Kyndal.

Trevor- UGH! If I hear that one more time...

Zendaya- Listen! Im not kidding here Trevor! Zonnique will end up hurting you in ways you wouldn't even think of.

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