Jailhouse Rock

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*Breuanna's POV*

I woke up only to see absolutely nothing. My head is pounding and I am in a pitch black room strapped to a bed with my addidas warm up still on. What the heck even happened? All I remember is being with Jacob, and then idk! Maybe someone pushed me down or something. Gosh, I just want to remember! Heck, forget that! I wanna get out of here! Oh wait! I think I hear someone coming!

*End of POV*

Breuanna- Hello!?!? Someone help me!!!!

*Jacob walks into the room and turned on the lights*

Breuanna- Oh thank goodness you're here to save me Jacob! Someone strapped me to this bed, and I cant get out of it!

Jacob- I know. Im the one who did it, remember?

Breuanna- Um... no. I dont remember at all! 

Jacob- Good. Well I'll fill you in. Basically... I have you right where I want you, and no one is gonna save you. 

Breuanna- Well... what are you gonna do?

Jacob- What do you think? *began to take of his shirt*


Jacob- Yeah... no one saw it coming huh?

Breuanna- It doesnt matter... the producers and Justin are probably on their way to stop you right now! 

Jacob- Hahaha! Silly Bre! You dont think I thought about that already!? When you were blacked out... I went into the jail house where Justin and the producers are, and I killed them!

Breuanna- Jacob! How could you!?! What is wrong with you!?!

Jacob- So many things.... but sadly we dont have time for that! *leans over and starts kissing Breuanna on the neck*

Breuanna- Jacob stop. Look... I can't remember much, but I do remember one specific thing before I blacked out. You said that you made everyone think you were so obsessed with winning, so you could get me right?

Jacob- Mhmm *still kissing on her neck*

Breuanna- Well Jacob... I think you really messed up... cuz before you told me all of the shit that you did.... you actually did have my heart. You were just to selfish and stupid to realize. 

*Jacob suddenly stopped*

Jacob- Are you serious?

Breuanna- Yes!

*W/ Kyndal, Diggy, Peyton, and Roc running*

Kyndal- Guys! Im tired, does anyone have any idea where they are!?!

Roc- Im just so confused! I mean, we told her to lead him into the woods, and they arent here!

Diggy- Look... Im starting to get real worried about Bre! If he poisoned Ray Ray and Bahja, just imagine what he is doin to her!

Peyton- Wait! We need to check out the jail house for the producers! They HAVE to know where they are! They are watchin all of us! 

Kyndal- Perfect! Let's go!!!!

Together, the four found the fastest way out of the woods and back to the street until they finally reached the jail house.

Roc- Okay... we all shouldnt go in, cuz for all we know Jacob and Bre could be out here.... me and Diggy will go inside. Kyndal and Peyton, yall stay right here on the porch and look for anything suspicious.

Kyndal and Peyton- Okay!

*Roc and Diggy ran inside*

Kyndal- Peyton, where do you think they are?

Peyton- I have no idea! I am really scared Kyndal! 

*all of a sudden, they heard screams from inside of the jail house*

Peyton- Omg! What is going on in-

*all of a sudden, someone came and threw rocks at Peyton and Kyndal's heads, knocking them unconsious.*

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