Chapter Six

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The next morning:
Amy POV:
  I got up really fast and early, packed my bag and we left the mansion by exactly 6:23am... Its gonna be a long ride. I sat at the back with uncle Elijah driving, my dad sat next to him uncle Kol & aunt Bekah in front of me & the whole back to myself... Mom already knows of our going to Mystic Falls & called yesterday with uncle Jackson to saw goodbye, I've already promised to call her once I get there... I slept most of the journey so I don't know anything but I woke up in time to see the sign board that says WELCOME TO MYSTIC FALLS. Finally I thought... We got to the house at Mystic Falls & uncle Elijah packed at the front of the house. Although it seems small compared to our house in New Orleans... I got to my room, unpacked my bags, got out my grandma's grimorie & placed it in the drawer next to my bed... Now time to explore...
I sat in the sitting room looking at the celling due to my boredom uncle Kol sat opposite me reading a magazine

Kol: (Throwing the magazine) God I'm so bored
Amy: Me too... Can't we go sight seeing?
Kol: hmm... Now that u've mentioned it...
Klaus walking in "You are going no where...
Amy: But dad..
Klaus: No buts darling
Kol: C'mon Klaus it's a vacation you know?
Klaus: I'm very much aware Kol you don't need to remind me
Amy: Dad look there's no danger here... I can take care of myself besides uncle Kol will be there
Rebekah: Nikklaus let her go you can tie her down you know
Klaus: I can as well try
Kol: ugh! Nikklaus enough with this we, are going Amy C'mon
Amy: Yeah sure
Rebekah: Nik let them go
Klaus: Nothing must happen to her Kol
Kol: Yeah yeah its not like she's a toddler...

In the car:
Amy: So... Where exactly are we going to?
Kol: Oh just someplace known as the grill
Amy: The Grill?
Kol: I figured out that's one place I wanna check first
Amy: OK

We got there and walked in... The place looks normal I guess... we got to the front table and saw a blonde waiter and his name tag read... Matt? I looked up to uncle Kol in amazement & he smirked
Kol: Hey Matt... Looking good
Matt: How are you...
Kol: Alive? Well I guess fate doesn't agree to my absence on this planet
Kol: A glass of vodak for me and soda for her
Matt grabs a bottle of vodka & poured it into the glass and handed me a can of coke... Uncle Kol drinks the vodka quickly "Tell Jeremy I send my regards" and stands up
Amy: Uncle Kol I was thinking dont you have somewhere to be?
Kol: Why?
Amy: Well... I do if you don't
Kol: You don't even know anywhere here kid
Amy: let's meet here in an hour OK? Bye and pls don't tell my dad
Kol: Fine. An hour it is

Amy POV:
I got to the back of the building. I figured out Matt might be there & he might have a clue on where Kai is & luckily I saw him taking out the trash...
Amy: Hey there... Matt is it? I was thinking if you might know where Elena Gilbert is
Matt: Who's asking?
Amy:(shit I could have compelled him but he's on vervain) my name is Amy & I just wanna ask her about something really important & private...
Matt: Well I can tell you where she is now
He wrote an address for me
Amy: Thanks a lot

I got a cab & arrived at the address Matt wrote me...
The house looked big but ancient. Anyways I got to the front door & knocked then an average slightly built guy with pale green eyes open the door...
Amy: Hi, I'm Amy & I'm looking for Elena so I was directed by Matt to this address... He directed me in & I was standing in this grand sitting room... Then a brunette girl came from inside & greeted me

Elena: Hi I'm Elena what's your name?
Amy: I have something important to ask you
Elena: Really? What's it?
Amy: Ehm I was hoping we could talk privately
Elena: Oh well c'mon outside
We walked outside away from the front door & sat on a bench

Elena: So what is it you wanna talk to me about?
Amy: Well I was wondering do you know anyone named Kai parker?
(Elena looked shocked at the mention of the name)
Elena: oh emm how do you know that name
Amy: I heard he was trapped in prison world again & I'll like to know the witch who put him there
Elena: why did you say your name was again?
Amy: Amy
Elena: Amy look... Kai is complicated & twisted I just don't know why you are concerned about him
Amy: He is my boyfriend
Elena: What?!
Amy: Yes he is & I have to bring him back. I know you & what you are & I know the boys who live here but I'm sure you don't know me... I'm not leaving her until I find the witch who trapped him
Elena: Fine... Come with me...

Elena & Amy went back into the boarding house
Elena: Damon! Stefan!
Damon: What is it?
Stefan: Yeah?
Elena: Damon, Stefan meet Amy, Amy meet Stefan & Damon
Amy: Hi
Damon: Who is she
Stefan: *stares
Elena: Amy is looking for Bonnie
Stefan: Why Bonnie?
Amy: Is she the witch who trapped him there?
Damon: What witch? What is this?
Elena: Amy is Kai's girlfriend
Damon: I'm sorry come again?
Stefan: I thought he's a...
Amy: Sociopath?
Damon: More like psychopath
Amy: I just need to talk to this Bonnie or whoever...
        Just then a black girl came from one of the rooms in the house

Bonnie: What is happening here?
Damon: Bonnie
Amy:(rushes to Bonnie) you are Bonnie?
Bonnie: Yeah why?
Amy: I need you to bring Kai out of the prison world you put him in
Bonnie: I'm sorry who is this?
Elena: She's Amy... Kai's girlfriend
Bonnie: This is a joke right?
Amy: It's not... And I need you to get him back
Bonnie: Who are you to come & tell me to get Kai back? After all he's done? Are you out of your mind!
Amy: Look, you have to get him back... Please
Bonnie: Listen Amy, I put Kai there cos I don't have the plans to bring him back so just go!
Amy: *scoffs I should have known this won't be easy... Anyways ain't you guys curious to know who I am?
Damon: I am & I'm sure they are
Amy: I'm Amy like I told you but I'm Amy Mikaelson
Bonnie: This is a joke
Amy: I'm Klaus Mikaelson's daughter
Damon: Impossible
Amy: Think again why do they call my dad a hybrid?
Bonnie: He's a werewolf
Amy: Correct... So can anyone guess who I am?
Stefan: Don't tell me you are a hybrid
Amy: Yep... But that's not all... You see my mom is a werewolf my dad is a hybrid & my grandma is a witch so guess again
Elena: O my God!
Amy: Oh yeah
Bonnie: You are lying
  Amy uses her witch power to shove Bonnie up the wall
Amy: Am I ?... I'm gonna say this only once bring back Kai tomorrow or you'll hate me
   Amy was walking towards the door and turned her head back facing Elena
  Amy: Oh & Elena tell your brother to stay indoors my uncle Kol isn't really a fan of him *winks

Amy MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now