Chapter 18

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Two days after at school...
Amy: I dunno Davina but Kai hasn't spoken to me
Davina: I thought you wanted him gone
Amy: I do & I dont in fact I dunno what I want
Davina: Wow! Someone's in love
  Just then a group of cheerleaders approached the girls & Lauren the leader was the first to speak.

Lauren: Hey Amy I'm sure you must have heard the news, I hope you don't feel jealous about me & Chris dating?
Amy: And why should I?
Lauren: Well, let's just say cos the head cheerleader is dating the quarterback, that makes me the most popular girl in school right?
Amy: *scoffs You do know Chris asked me out & I turned him down right?
Lauren: You must have been quite a fool back then
Amy: There's something you don't understand Lauren & its the fact that you scream & throw your pom-poms in the air just to get guys attention but I do nothing & they come begging for me, Chris already came to me but when he saw the queen's too big for him, he had to settle down for the noble girl. Poor thing...
Lauren: You bitch! Are you saying I'm leftovers!
Davina: Only if that's what you are (Amy raises her eyebrows & smirks)
   (Lauren gives the girls a stern look & walks out stomping her feet)

Davina: Nice one (puts her hand up for a high five)
Amy: Atta girl!

The next day... (Kai & Amy hasn't met or talked)
Amy @ her house with her family in the living room.
Amy: Hey uncle Kol watcha doing?
Kol: Nothing
Rebekah: Do you have plans today Amy?
Amy: Naa just go on a be home all day...
Rebekah: Then we should go for shopping
Amy: Sure, we should
Kol: So shopping is actually a thing to do?
Amy: Yes uncle Kol, most people like to look good
Kol: Good luck... Klaus don't you want to go shopping with them?
Klaus: I believe my time is precious
Rebekah: Good! Cos you aren't even needed!
  (The doorbell rang)
Kol: I'll be happy to get it
   (Kol goes to open the door but sees a strange but familiar face)
Kol: Have we met?
Kai: I believe. I'm Kai
Kol: Oh! The chap my niece is in love with. What are you doing in the Lion's den...
Kai: I'm here to see Amy
Kol: Are you sure? Because once you come in, I'm not sure you'll be able to come out... It could be your end
Kai: I'm very much aware...
Kol: Very well then, (Kol steps aside for Kai to enter then he walks him to the living room)

Kol: Amy darling you have a guest (Kai smiles & waves at Amy. Amy's eyes widen full of shock & fear)
Kai: Amy, let me say the last three days without you has been hell & I wanna say the thing I've never say to anyone, I'm sorry. This is my first time & its kinda hard but I'm here & I'm confessing my love for you in front of your family... Amy Mikaelson I'm in love with you & you are the best thing that's ever happened to... (Before Kai could complete his words, Klaus speeds & smacjes Kai's back on the wall with his hand squeezing his throat)

Klaus: Look here boy, I can rip you apart now & leave not even a crumb
Elijah: Klaus take it easy!
Amy: Dad please...
Kai: *smirking You know, I'm a witch, a very powerful one & also a vampire, I have a few tricks up my sleeves
Klaus: And I'm an Original Hybrid, a very powerful one at that!
Amy: (turns to Rebekah) Do something
Rebekah speeds to Kai's side facing Klaus

Rebekah: Nik let the boy go!
  Klaus grabs Kai & throws him to the shelve far from them
Amy: Kai!
Kai: (Kai stands up smirking) Wow! You really are powerful
Amy: Dad please stop!
Klaus: Shut up!
   Amy gasps...
Kai: Don't talk to her like that!
Klaus: She's my daughter
Kai: Well she's my girlfriend!
   Klaus speeds to Kai & punches him real hard that sends him flying across the living room, Kai then stands up & wipe the blood across his mouth...
  Elijah: Nikklaus stop this!
Rebekah: Nik!
Amy: Dad! Please just listen!
    Just then a female voice is heard, its Haley with Davina...
Haley: Klaus
Everyone looks back
Amy: Mom?
Elijah: Haley what are you doing here?
Haley: He called me (points to Kai) Klaus, this boy means well for our daughter, he came to me & explained all that is happening & I reasoned with him.
Klaus: So what Haley, you're just gonna let this lunatic be with Amy?
Haley: Klaus, he has made some mistakes in the past, he might be a little awkward but that doesn't deny his feelings for Amy.
Klaus: You do know he murdered his entire family & coven. He's a psychopath!
Haley: Let Amy decide that. Amy do you want to be with Kai?
Amy: (looks at Kai) Yes
Elijah: Yes what?
Amy: Yes I really want to be with Kai
Haley: And Kai?
Kai: Well of course! Isn't it obvious?
Haley: Klaus take a look, you are the only one against them
Klaus: I'm not affected by that
Amy: (walks up to Klaus) Dad, I realise you want the best for me & you think he's not good enough for me but please let me make my own decisions. I'm not a child anymore though I'll always be your girl but please dad let me do what I know is right. Please listen to me & approve of me dating Kai.
Klaus looks around & turns his head to Kai

Klaus: If one strand of hair on my daughter's head is hurt, I'll make sure you never existed on earth. Am I understood?
Kai: Oh yeah!
Klaus: (Turns to Amy) If this is what you want then fine I approve
  Amy pulls her dad into a tight hug & her eyes gets watery
Amy: Thanks dad... I love you...
Klaus: Love you more
Amy pulls away & walks up to her mom to give her a warm hug
Amy: Thanks mom. You the best
Haley: Glad I could help
Kol: Well, seems like we have a new member of the family
   Amy chuckles

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