Chapter 7

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I got out of the Salvatore building after proving my point... I checked my phone & oh shit! I spent 2 hours! How time flies... I got into a cab praying uncle Kol hasn't left the grill yet... For what seemed like forever the cab stopped in front of the grill & I paid him and entered the grill. I looked around & finally saw uncle Kol at the corner throwing darts... I sighed bit of relief and ran to him "Hey uncle Kol" An hour uhn? stated Kol... "I was uhm caught up in a bit of traffic besides there was so much to see, let's go anyways...
We got home & I ran to my room to call Davina... I can't risk talking because of vampire hearing...ugh! Curse that! So I ran to the bathroom & turned the water on " Hey Dav listen I've got news" "This better be good cos i was sleeping" whined Davina "look I met the witch who put Kai in prison & at first she behaved a little rude and wouldn't listen so... I threatened her & her friends... " What?! Are you crazy Amy? You threatened them? They are a lot older than you & wiser you know?" "I don't care Dav... I really dont... Anyways I have to hang up now cos I  need to call my mom" "Okay goodnight. Just be careful " " I will & quit worrying" Bye!

~~~~~~~Amy calls her mom~~~~~~~~
Amy: Hey mom
Haley:Amy how you? You've arrived right?
Amy: Yeah sure. I slept most of the journey though
Haley: *laughs Jackson says hi
Amy: Hi to him too *giggles I went for a little bit of sight seeing
Haley: Already? & your dad let you?
Amy: Well you know how dad is, he was a little overprotective & didn't want to let me but I was bored & luckily so was uncle Kol so we went together
Haley: Oh thats nice
Amy: umph umph
Haley: Well have fun & don't let your dad stop you
Amy: sure mom... Bye!
Haley: Bye☺

~~~~~~ Next day 3:15pm~~~~~~~~

I'm on my way to the Salvatore's house happy cos I'm sure they finally gave in especially that so called witch who proves stubborn. I got to the front door & knocked & Stefan was the one who opened the door. I smiled & he was unsure to smile back (what a creepy boy) I entered & was now standing at the center of the living room with Stefan, Damon, Elena & Bonnie

Amy: So.... Are you ready to bring Kai back?
Damon: Sorry kiddo no can't do
Amy: What?!
Bonnie: You see Amy, after you left we did a little research on you & it seems like Klaus doesn't know about your relationship with Kai
Amy: How did you...
Bonnie: Know? C'mon Klaus destroys every boy that comes into Rebekah's life how much more his own daughter especially when the boy is a sociopath like Kai
Amy: You!...
Bonnie: Stop looking for Kai & we'll keep our mouth shut or don't & I'll just tell Klaus myself... What do you say?
Amy*scoffs You are pathetic!
  ~~~~Amy speeds out of the Salvatore house with tears forming~~~

Amy: (thinking) How did they know? Just how... This is bad... But I heard something. I don't know what it is but it sounded like a faint breathing... It sounded far so it has to be coming from their basement... I trust my senses, I really do & It was like someone weak & gasping for air mixed with strength. This is weird... Really weird...  I better head back home guess today didn't turn out like I planned it will...

~~~~~Amy gets home & she's in her bathroom dialing Davina~~~~
Davina: Hello
Amy: *sad Hey...
Davina: What's wrong?
Amy: You know I threatened them to bring Kai back?
Davina: Yeah so?
Amy: So they threatened me too
Davina: How with what?
Amy: Kai... They know my dad doesn't know & they threatened to tell him if I don't back off
Davina: Wow! What a bummer
Amy: Yeah... But I heard something while I was at their house... I don't know what it is but it sounds like someone gasping for air, a female though
Davina: Oh! so...
Amy: so I wanna go check it out
Davina: Are you out of your mind?! You don't even know what it is
Amy: I know its a female
Davina: So what? What do you know about her?
Amy: Look I'm not just gonna walk into the Salvatore house & straight to their basement, I'm gonna do it professionally
Davina: Professionally? Like magic?
Amy: Yep... I'll just use an appearance spell you know?
Davina: Yeah like the one you are there but your body isn't?
Amy: Correct! I'll do it tomorrow
Davina: I just hope you will be careful. Your dad is the last person you would want to know about your Kai activities
Amy: *giggles I know... How's school been?
Davina: Normal except for the fact that teachers have been grading you on work not yet done
Amy: *laughs That is the power of compulsion my friend!
Davina*laughs Yeah right! Talk yo you tomorrow
Amy: Yeah sure

I finished from the phone & went downstairs exactly 6:03 & met Aunt Rebekah in the living room
Amy: Hey aunt Bekah... You not going to see Matt?
Rebekah: *shouts Shut up!

~~~~~Kol just walking in~~~~~~

Amy MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now