Chapter 12

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I was on my way home when I got a text from an unknown number to meet at the Salvatore house... Ugh! What now?! So I got there and met Bonnie & Damon in the living room

Amy: What is it now?
Bonnie: You know Kai is back right?
Amy: Yeah so?
Bonnie: Your boyfriend did something to my best friend Elena
Amy: Then call him to undo it... I don't have any business with you
Damon: Kai put a spell on Elena, that as long as Bonnie is alive, Elena will be asleep & if you don't tell Kai to undo it Klaus is going to know all about you & Kai
Amy: *scoffs That, now this? I don't have anything to do with the spell Kai put on Elena
Bonnie: Then I guess Klaus will be having visitors today
Amy: I don't have anything to do with this, this isn't fair
Bonnie: You have three days to convince Kai to undo the spell
Amy: You sure can go any length to kill Kai
Bonnie: I can go any length to save my friends
(Amy walked out of the house just as Stefan walked in to meet Damon & Bonnie)
Stefan: Was that really worth it? I mean she's just a kid she doesn't know what's going on
Bonnie: No Stefan she's just as into it as Kai is... Her mistake was dating a psychopath
Damon: Stefan has always been the weak one
Stefan: You shouldn't hurt her for Kai's doings
Damon: You know what Stefan? Just shut your mouth
Bonnie: Look Stefan Kai hurt Elena & I'll go any length to destroy him
Stefan: *silent

~~~~~~Amy calls Kai~~~~~~
Amy: Kai I need to see you now! Its urgent
Kai: What's happening
Amy: Look, just come as fast as you can I'll text you the address of where I am
Kai: OK

~~~~Kai arrived at the corner of the address Amy texted him~~~~
Amy: Thank God you're here
Kai: What is it?... You sounded pretty urgent
Amy: What did you do to Elena
Kai: What is this Amy...
Amy: Whatever you did to Elena just undo it
Kai: why? (crosses his arms)
Amy: Look, Bonnie said if you don't undo whatever spell you did to Elena she'll tell my dad about us
Kai: Then let her tell him maybe its time he knows about it
Amy: What?! Kai are you out of your mind! I'm talking about my father here... You don't know what he's capable of doing... He can even kill you!
Kai: Look Amy the spell I did on Elena & Bonnie cannot be undone
Amy: So... It can't be undone or you don't wanna undo it
Kai: Both
Amy: *scoffs I can't believe you are saying this... I mean some witch wants to tell my dad the true reason why I came to this town & all you say is you can't undo it?
Kai:(comes closer and takes Amy's arm) Amy... I love you
Amy: Then if you really do... Undo it
Kai: It can't be undone
Amy: No spell is permanent! You just don't wanna do it! I can't believe you are saying this Kai... You know what? You can try to undo the spell & be with me, or don't & forget you ever met me, your choice ( Amy walks away with watery eyes)
Kai: Amy! Amy! ( punches the wall in anger) ugh!

~~~~~~~~~~Later at night 9:24pm~~~~~~~~~~
***** Kai calls Amy*****
Kai: Hey baby
Amy: Hey
Kai: Where are you?
Amy: At home... Why?
Kai: Could you come over three blocks from here?
Amy: Yeah I'm coming

When they meet:
Amy: Yes?
Kai: I've thought about it & nothing is more important than our relationship... So I'll find a way to undo the spell even though it can't be undone but just to satisfy you
Amy: *smiles Thank you & I'll help
     (They both kissed deeply before pulling apart)
Amy: I have to go before my dad finds out I'm gone
Kai: OK babe love you (kisses her briefly)
Amy: Love you too

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