Setting things straight

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Im so glad we can change the names on snapchat.
I wake up the next day to Andrew still asleep. It was so warm, I didn't want to get up. So I just look at Andrew for awhile. His hair is so messy, it's cute. I hear Andrews phone vibrate. I take it off the dresser and look at it. It said: New picture message from Vanessa." I open his phone and look at the message. It was a picture of Andrew with his shirt off and it looked like he was grinding. It was captioned "remember this?" I was so confused. I was mad. I..........wasn't ready for the answer of what this is.
"Babe, babe." I hit Andrews shoulder.
"What? What is it?"
"Who's Vanessa and why does she have a picture of you shirtless?"
"What!?" I show him his phone. He takes it out of my hand and I get up. I start to get dressed.
"Baby its not what you think."
"Yea? What is it then?"
"Yea, that's what I thought."
"She saved that when we were dating."
"Yea, ok. I'll be back later." I get my shoes on and walk out the bedroom door. I walk into Mauryanas room and shut the door.
"What?! Who is it? Angel what are you doing?"
"Come on we are going somewhere."
"I don't know and don't care. As long as we aren't shopping. I don't feel like it. We have five days to chill before those guys come over here and interview us. Come on. Ill tell you the rest later." Mauryana gets up and puts on her clothes. When she's done we walk out the room. When we do Andrew comes rushing out the bedroom. He grabs my wrist the way he always does.
"Baby girl, it's not like that."
"Like what Andrew? What do you think I think it's like?"
"That picture is old. Remember I had 7 different girlfriends. Heather the crazy one and Vanessa the obsessed one. I would never----
"You already did."
"Hey, what's going on." Anthony walks out of his room.
"You and him can talk about it. I'll be back later. Maybe you could get through to him. Cause I'm odviously not able to." I turn away and leave Mauryana follows. I slam the door shut, and I hear Andrew hit tge wall and scream in destress. I look threw the key hole to make sure Anthony didn't do anything to him. All I see is Andrew on his knees and his hands covering his eyes. Anthony was rubbing his back. I walk away into the car.
"Angel what was that?"
"This morning I woke up and then Andrews phone buzzed so I check it there was a picture message from Vanessa. I looked at the picture and it was a pic of him shirtless and it looked like it was taken when he was grinding."
" Don't do anything. I need to talk to him. I just couldn't do it right now that's why we had to leave."
"Ok. Well let's just go drive around hollywood."
"Good idea." I plug me phone up to the aux cord and turn on my playlist. We roll down the windows and turn up the music. Then Mauryana asked if we could broadcast. I said yes so when we got on everyone said hi. Then the question came out.
"Angel they want to know how you and Andrew are." I turn down the music.
"We are fine. I guess." After a few seconds Mauryana laughs.
"Remember that girl from last time. She said "bitch please we know you lyin.".
"Girl, don't play you know I still have them fetus pics." Mauryana laughs then I see a fan mail.
"Read it out loud."
"She said why you gotta be like that." I laugh.
"Chill it ain't even like that." Mauryana calls cailee.
"Cailee do the outtro wit us. Just wait a sec. Ok guys we are gonna go. Love yo
Love yo
Love yooou. Bye guys." Mauryana ends the broadcast.
"Cailee I miss you."
"So do I." Mauryana calls out.
"I miss you guys to but I have to go my classes start. Bye I'll call later."
"Get some." Mauryana screams and laughs.
"Not those classes. Nasty. Bye bitches."
Bye." We hang up and turn up the music.
After awhile of driving we go back to the house. I left at 8 am, and we came back at 1 pm. When I open the door it was so quiet.
"Anthony? Andrew?" I yell.
"Hey." Anthony comes downstairs without Andrew.
"Hey, where's Andrew?" I drop my purse and keys on the table.
"In you guys room. After he heard you guys leave he went in thereand hasn't came out since."
"So you guys didn't even talk?"
"No." I look at him then throw myself face first in the couch and scream. I kick and hit the couch, then I get up real quick.
"Ok, I need to go talk to him." I push my hair back and pick up my purse and keys. I walk upstairs and walk into the bedroom. Andrew was laying on the bed. I drop my purse and keys on the dresser. I shut the door. I walk over to the bed and sit on the edge of it. I just look at him.
"Why ever single time?" I get up and mess with my hair. "Everytime I think they love me stuff like this happens. Something always goes wrong. I don't know if what he said was true, but then I dont know if it isnt." I start to pace back and forth.
"I love him honestly I do but this keeps happening. He should tell me about all his ex's so I know what I'm in for. They probably don't have stories most of them were probably one night stands. Now they all think I broke them up. I'm not a man whore, your right your a crazy bitch magnet. They just stick to you. Ok. I'm fine............"
"No your not." I turn around to see Andrew staring at me.
"I thought you were sleeping."
"How could I sleep with this going on? I thought I lost you, again. I never want to lose you again." He gets up and walks towards me.
"I'm putting you through all this and you keep coming back. Why?"
"Because I love you." I put my face to Andrew chest and sniffle.
"Please don't cry. There's no reason for you to cry I did all this. I love you too. I love you more. I'm sorry this keeps happening. I'm blocking all three numbers today." He rubs down my back.
"Ok. We still need to talk." I sniffle.
"Can I have a kiss first?" I look up at Andrew and kiss him.
"I thought I would never be able to have that again." He picks me up and takes us to the bed. He sits down and sits me on him. I put my knees on either side of him.
"Ok, I need to know all your secrets and all about your exs. Why do you only have three of their numbers? And was I right about the one night stands? You know everything about m--------. Well, answer those questions first please."
"I only have three of their numbers cause all the others were one night stands. They all knew that they we one night stands that's why they don't mess with me anymore. Heather, Vanessa, Jessica. Heather is crazy. Vanessa is obsessed. Jessica is the crazy obsessed slut."
"Wonderful. You really like those kinds of names don't you?"
"What kind of names?"
"Stacey, Jessica, Vanessa, Heather, Tiffany, Brittany, Veronica. Those are all slutty names." (If you have one of these names, I don't mean to offend. I'm sorry if I did. I found these on a website and these are names that are used in movies for slut parts.)
"Wow, those are names of my one night stands. Your good. But your not a slutty name. So I don't stick to one kind of name." He smiles.
"Why are you so cute?"
"I'm not I look like----
"Yes you are."
"Your eyes, your smile, your hair, your personality, your" I lean down and kiss him. Andrew puts his hands on my hips and I feel his hand on my stomach.
"Whats up with your stomach?" Andrew lifts up my shirt.
"Oh my god. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know I wanted you to find out by yourself."
"So your just going to get rock hard abs and not tell me. Baby girl I swear your somethin else." (HA, gottie. Did you think she was pregnant? If you did tell me in the comments. Lol.)
"They arent rick hard. They aremt even really noticable i dont wamt riped abs like yours. Don't even try to get better ones, just because I have some. I need something to lay on. Just keep these. They're nice." I kiss him. I pull away.
"Oh yea Anthony wants to know when I say I love you to him, if he can say it back."
"Yea, sure. Just don't cheat."
"Pinky promise." We pinky promise, then I kiss him.
"We should go block those numbers now. So it doesn't close."
"Why would it close this early?"
"Some kind of thing they all do today."
"Ok." Andrew kisses me and I get off him.
"I need to change my shirt. I'm getting to sweety."
"I swear it better not be a crop top." I laugh. Then I look at my closet. I didn't relize that box was there this morning. I'll look at it later. The only thing hanging up was a crop top. I start to laugh.
"The only thing in here is a crop top. Love you." I take off my shirt and put on the crop top. I wonder where all my clothes were.
"Angel, that's the one that goes up to your boobs. Take it off."
"Theres literally nothing else in here." Andrew walks over and looks in.
"Fine, unless."
"Andrew is this necessary?"
"Yep." He gave me one of his shirts.
"It's huge."
"Come on let's go."
"Fine." He walks out the door and I grab a hair thing. While he was walking down the stairs I tighten my shirt.
"Where you guys goin?" Anthony asks. Him and Mauryana were on the couch.
"To the phone place we'll be back."
"Bye Mauryana. Love you guys."
"Love you." Mauryana says back Anthony just sat there.
"Love you."
"Love you?" Anthony says unsure if it was ok.
"Bye guys." We leave and get in the car.
"Angel, did you tighten my shirt?"
"Noooo, it just got super tight out of nowhere."
"Just make sure it doesn't go up."
"You don't want me to show off my abs. Uh." I hit his shoulder.
"What? No." He as but I can tell he's lying.
"I let you post all these thirst traps on instagram. But I can't show mine of. I worked for these now I will show them off."
"Fine." I roll down my window and we leave. We get to the store and block the numbers. Then we leave. It's now 4 pm. While Andrew was driving he put his hand on my thigh. I look over at him and he smiles. He slides his and up closer to my hip. I let out a little breath.
"No one can please you the way I do."
"Are you gonna show me how you please me soon?"
"Girl, you don't want none of dis." I laugh.
"Yea, I do." I take off my seat belt and go over the arm rest. I put Andrews window up then I sit on his lap. His windows are tinted.
"Baby girl your crazy."
"In a good way though. Not like all the others." I kiss his neck. Then I push his seat back. I start to drive. Andrew takes off his seat belt and comes up to me. He runs his hands up my body and kisses my neck. Andrew puts his foot on the gas and I lift up my butt. He slides under and I sit down. I grind on him while he has his foot on the gas. I was steering. I have to say this was pretty easy to do. I get up and he slides back. I sit down and I put my foot on the gas. Andrew puts his arm around my waist to keep me close to him, then he starts grinding. I take one hand off the steering wheel and change the song on the aux cord to "Ride" by SoMo. When Andrew grinds he needs this song on. I relized that he's more passionate when it's on. One hand was around my waist the other was rubbing up and down my leg. We do this all the way to the house. I drive in the driveway and park. (Duh. Lol) I turn around to face him. He scoots back and pulls the seat down. I get on him and start to grind.
"Your surprisingly good at grinding. I could think you were a professional dancer." Andrew smiles.
"I was."
"No, you werent."
"Ok." Andrew gets up and kisses me. I open the door and he picks me up and takes me out the door. I wrap my legs around him, and he puts me on the back of the car. We makeout until I hear Mauryana call me.
"Angel are you guys gonna come in soon?" I roll my eyes and jump off the car. Me and Andrew walk up to the door. Before we walk in Andrew slaps my butt.
"Ow." I whisper. Andrew just laughs.
"I heard that.....pervs." Mauryana says and I laugh.
"So what did you guys do while we were gone?" I say in my smart ass voice.
"Hey, smart ass I have a date in a few hours. I would've let you guys suck in each others faces in but I need your help for tonight."
"Your so weird. Who says suck each others faces in?" I laugh. Then me and Mauryana go upstairs. I help her get dressed and ready then I go to the bedroom. I was really tired, so I put in my headphones and fell asleep.
Hey Fontenators, do you guys like the long chapters or not. These 2 new ones have been around 2000 words. Is that to much? My regular is around 1000. Please tell me. Bye love ya

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