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We are already getting to Ludacris, he looks so mad. I just got back from the kitchen with a water for me and Andrew. I slide onto Andrews lap and hand him the drink.
"Thanks babe."
"Anything for my lover." I kiss his nose. He smiles and kisses me.
"Guys want to go get ice cream?" Mauryana asks.
"Yes! How bout you Ludacris?" He shakes his head.
"Sure whatever. I mean I have to stay with you."
"Ok let's go." Me, Andrew, Mauryana, and Anthony run upstairs and get dressed. We all meet in the hallway.
"Ok, Anthony just to catch you up. We are trying to make Ludacris jealous for payback."
"I could tell." He laughs.
"Just go along with Mauryana. You are now my wingman, she's my wing women." He nods and smiles.
We go downstairs. Ludacris had the keys to his car. We all follow him out. The reporters were finally gone. We all go to the closet ice cream place and order. Then we all sit down and eat.
"Babe, want the cherry?" Andrew asks me. I nod. He gives it to me and I bite down. I pull away slowly and make eye contact. He smiles. He pulls the stem off and I chew. Then it was normal. I mean except for the part where Ludacris just starts staring at me, kinda angry, I think.
"What are we gonna do after this?" Mauryana asks a little too bubbly.
"Going home." Ludacris says sharply. We were all too scared to argue. Soon we finish our ice creams and leave. We get back home.
"Hey can we order a trampoline?" Mauryana asks. "I mean you have this big ass backyard, not including the side with the pool. We could put the trampoline right by the pool, then jump into the pool." Mauryana suggests.
"I didn't even say yes." Ludacris says.
"Well if we are gonna be in here all the time we gave to have something to do."
"Fine." Me and her squeal. We go upstairs and get on the computer. We find the biggest trampoline and order it. Maybe an hour later it was here. We run downstairs and tell the guys to come in the back. They set everything up.
"Do you want this thing on?" One of the guys holds up the netting. We nod no. He throws it.
"Bathing suits!" I practically scream.
"We'll just stay here." One of the guys says. Ludacris shoves them out the gate.
"Fine whatever!" They yell. We all go in and get our bathing suits. Me and Mauryana pick ours out. I pick my hot pink two piece. Mauryana picks her neon green two piece. We put on waterproof sunscreen and leave. The boys were already outside. Andrew and Ludacris look like they are yelling at each other. We slide the door open and they all look at us. Anthony, Andrew, and Ludacris's jaw practically hit the ground.
"What?" Mauryana and I ask at the sametime.
"Nothing gorgeous." Anthony and Andrew say together. We laugh and they come by us. They wrap their arms around our waist and walk us to the pool.
"Wait." Andrew gets in front of me for some reason, I bend over and pick something off the ground. Then I smirk and push Andrew in the pool. He comes up.
"Ooh imma get you back."
"Whats you get."
"For wa---" Mauryanapushes me in the pool. By instinct I grab what's closes, which is Mauryana. She comes flying in with me. We come back up and laugh.
"Here." Anthony says laughing. He brings out a hand. So stupid. Mauryana grabs it and pull him in. He comes back up and laughs as well. We all wave Ludacris in. He says no. Whatever. I walk out of the pool and get on the trampoline, Mauryana comes up with me.
"Jump together?" I nod yea. We hold hands and jump.
Landing right on the-------

In Hollywood with Andrew FontenotWhere stories live. Discover now