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Michael didn't like priss girls like her. She was smart, and he would only give into stupid girls who would do anything for him. (Aka me bc come on, it's michael Clifford for fucks sakes.) But he thought she was different.
And as for Rae; she hated Michael, but something about him was intriguing to her. The way he smoked all the time, the way he went to parties, he had his own group of friends, he was mischievous. He also looked super good while doing so. She stared out her window, looking at the group of delinquents. It didn't look like they were doing anything wrong, they were just laughing and being friends. She knew every single one of them but they didn't know her.
Michael, he was probably the baddest one. But people act a specific way for a reason, no?
Luke, he was considered the hottest, and 'nicest' from the small bunch.
Ashton, his bad boy act is all a lie, he's a sweetheart at home but then again, there is a lot happening in the Irwin's residence.
Calum, oh boy Calum. He was the sassy  one. Yeah they're all sassy but he was most known for it. And his sass was unique you can say.
Fred, he was like an outcast when it came to them but he still hung out with them, along with brandon.

Rae was stuck daydreaming, staring at the group until she had made eye contact with Michael. Out of all of them, it had to be Michael. She backed away, making herself fall on the fall on her back with a loud thump.
"Rae are you okay up there!" Her mother yelled from down stairs.
"Yes, mother! I just tripped on a pillow!" She yelled back, and after that her mother didn't say a word. Her mom was sweet but her expectations from Rae were to plain. Get good grades, get a good job, have a great life. But she's tired of following that motto. Even though it's like she's brain washed to listen to her mother either way. She wanted to learn about Michael. Even though there's only one way to it.

YAAAY LONG UPDATE. so I got pretty bored of writing so little. So they'll be this long (: hope y'all are liking it, and thanks for the reads and votes 😭 luv yous! Let me know what you guys think (-:

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