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Rae's POV

I stirred in my sleep at a loud bang. I didn't think much of it since it was raining outside but then I noticed it was from my window. I shot awake and right when I sat up, a hand draped over my mouth. I was about to yell but I recognized the face, despite the lack of light. His hand was cold. I slapped his hand away and got up to turn the light on.
"What the fuck!" I whispered-yelled. It was rare when I cursed by the way.
He stood there smirking.
"Woah, never heard that kind of language coming from you."
He wore a black hoodie which was slightly wet.
"What are you doing here?" My voice finally came back to normal. "And how did you get in?"  It was 12:11 am and that isn't exactly my happy time.
"Obviously, through the window." He laughed and I rolled my eyes. "We're going somewhere."
"What?" My eyes widened. "No we're not. "
"Oh yes we are. Get a sweater." He crossed his arms.
"You can't make me." I did the same.
"You owe me."
I thought Back at what happened earlier. He's got a point.
I walked towards my closet and took out a hoodie and changed into some jeans.
He was the first to step out of my window.
"What if my mom catches me?" I ask in concern. Never have I ever done anything rebellious, unless you count stealing candy from your third grade teacher. Because if you do, then I am in fact rebellious.
"Can you stop being a priss and get out here?" He rolled his eyes.
I climbed out of my window and climbed down the white fence against my house. Michael held onto my hips once I was close enough and I jumped at the bottom.
It was raining a lot stronger than I thought but he led me to a car;which I'm guessing is his? He opened the passenger seat for me and closed it once I was in before running towards his side. 
"Where are we going?" 
"Shut up and wait and see."

Yay double update ! Love u ur perfect. Xx

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