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Rae's pov
I don't know what it was in me that ran after him to stop him, but I was glad of it.
"Wait!" He stopped but didn't turn. "What exactly do I owe you?" My voice was shaky but I did it and it's too late to take it back.
"Give me some time to think about that. Yeah?" He turned and began walking towards me. He walked slow but it was already intimidating. Hell, just a look would make want you to poop your pants.
"U-uh, yeah. Sure" I awkwardly cleared my throat at the end. It was so hard for me to act normal, especially around him.
I scratched the back of my neck slightly as we just stood there. I stared down at the floor and he just stared intently at me.
"Shouldn't you be going somewhere?" He asked. I looked up, confused.
"You were heading somewhere before all that shit happened, weren't you?" He pointed to the spot where I was attacked.
"Oh!" I almost yelled. "Oh, yeah" I lowered my voice and laughed a little. He walked away without saying anything, he walked quickly. He entered his house and that was my cue to begin walking to the post office.

Lol I'm like a day  late on this update. Buuut here it is. Thinking of starting every chapter on a third person then Rae's point of view, ayy (-: bye love u guys and never forget you do matter and you're worth everything you deserve. <3

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