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I was going outside to take out the trash, and I saw Michael in front of his house, on the porch swing. He was smoking and he looked tired. I debated whether I should go see what's wrong or mind my own business. My mom was gone, and should be gone for quite a while.
"Hey!" I yelled from across the street, he looked up and his eyes were red. "Are you good?" He ignored me and looked back down. 
I was confused because he was talking to me all good the day before yesterday. What happened ?
He's probably just in a mood.
I felt the need to cross the street.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I got closer.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Mitchell's. You're not supposed to be here." He said, his teeth clutched.
"I just came over to see if you're alright," I raised my hands up in defence.
"Well I'm perfectly fine, so why don't you cross it back and get into your room before you mommy finds you outside of it and talking to me."
"What's your problem?" I took a seat next to him. I didn't let anything he said phase me, because first of all, my "mommy" isn't home. 2nd of all, I'm a nosey person. 3rd of all I don't care what he says.
"My problem is you. Your somewhere where you shouldn't be." He took a quite drag of his cigarette and blowing it in my face. I began a fit of coughs and gags, winding the smoke away from my face.
"That's gross!" Once all the smoke had vanished, I kept going. "And that night in my room."
"What about that night?" He asked a little too mean for just a simple question.
"You were in there. And that's somewhere you shouldn't have been."

"Your point is?" He inhaled the air around him.
"So that means, there shouldn't be a problem with me being here." I smiled. The most obnoxious smile.
"Whatever."he took another drag of that deathly item.
"Why do you smoke?" I asked. I leaned forward and places my hand under my knees and swung my crossed legs.
"Bye." He got up and went inside.


Lol I suck a updating, love every single one of yous. Have a gr8 day.

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