just another day on the ground #10

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Clarke pov.

"Clarke! come quick, we're losing him!" I rush in the drop ship to Bellamy shouting. Suddenly I see Finn's chest rise and fall but not rise again.

"Finn no!!! Please no I... I need you!!!" I cry out.

"I'm sorry Clarke there's nothing we can do. I'm sorry..." Bellamy says rapping an arm around my shoulders, I quickly run out of the drop ship. I keep running and don't stop, I start to feel tears running down my face. I keep running until the sobs get to much and I fall to my knees.

I have no idea where I am but all I do no if the following things 1. I am lost in these woods but I couldn't care less in this moment. 2. I lost the girl I loved for her ex. 3. I lost the boy I loved to a knife. 4. Everyone I love leaves me or dies should I bother anymore?

"Clarke?" I hear a voice from behind me, I turn round to see a man standing over me.

"Ple... Please please don't  hurt... M... Me?" I say in a shaky voice.

"I won't hurt you, but the commander what's me to bring you to her." He says.

"Lexa? Tell her I don't want to see her." I say standing up and slowly backing away.

"You need to come if not for Lexa come for that boy." He says.

"Who?" I ask confused.

'The boy who was with you last night? Apparently someone threw a knife at him well the commander wants to serve justice to him but we need you and him to come with us." He explains I just stand there shaking my head.

"He can't come... The knife killed him. I'll come but when it's over the commander says what she has to say I get to leave?" I ask he nods and tell me to follow him.

An hour later we finally get to Ton DC still the same as last time I was here. Lexa meets us at the gate and looks atxme with a sorry look.

"Can I talk to you Clarke of the sky people? Alone" Lexa asks I was about to decline but what is the harm? I follow her into her tent.

"Listen Clarke please let me explain?" She asks.

"No I am here for one reason and one reason only. To get justice for Finn." I say trying to stop my angry from taking over.

"About that... When you went off I sent one of my scouts to make sure you for back safe and it was dark they thought he was attacking you and when he reported back to me. He said he thought he was attacking you but then he realised he wasn't so justice will be served, a life for a life." Lexa says then she tells me to follow her outside where it will take place.

"This man has killed the innocent and confessed, justice will be served but we will do it different, everyone in this crowd who has never killed anyone or anything, step forward." Lexa shouts into the crowd I odnt no what is happening, then Lexa whispers into my ear. "Thought I would introduce a new form of justice useally everyone gets a tern at stabbing them but instead I'm going to only let the innocent do that."

"Even if you have killed someone in self defence or killed an animal for food you will not get a turn now, but this man has killed an innocent so the innocent shall kill him." Lexa announced.

Then one by one people step forward even children and take a turn at cuting him or stabbing him with there knife, I have to look away after a few people then Lexa turns to me and passes me her sword. "You must finish him, clean through the heart." She tells me. "He hurt you by taking the boy right in front of you, you will finish him this time instead of me." She says everyone looks at me waiting.

"I.. I can't kill someone." I say feel my body start to shake just at the thought of taking a life no matter what they have done.

"Clarke you have to that it our way. It's either that or everyone else standing here including the ones who have killed get another cut at him each." Lexa says. I decide its the best thing to do put him out of pain.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as I push the sword into his heart. I quickly pull it out again and slowly everyone starts to disappear besides Lexa, I stare at his lifeless body still tied to the tree.

"Just another day on the ground." Lexa whispers in my ear as she slowly turns and walks away.

I decide to just go back to my camp, when the man came to get me I didn't think he was taking me here to kill someone. Before I gave to chance to get out of Ton DC I hear someone shouts my name.

"Bellamy? What are you doing here?" I ask confused still shaken up form what I just did.

"Clarke we need to leave! Now! Please come on let's go." He says in a hurry, we both start running but I stop him.

"Bellamy? What happened?" I ask quickly.

"Not here we have to go now! Then I will explain... I... I did something... I... I'm sorry but... We need to get out of here before they come looking for me... For us."

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