Goodbye Luna

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Isaac enters the cafe and we both instantly smile when we see each others face. Isaac has been my best friend since birth, literally, we were born in the same hospital, 3 days apart, went to mothers group, primary school and high school together. Today is my last day in Melbourne before i move to England for good, only coming back here for short holidays.

Iv'e always felt insecure next to Isaac because of his brown with a hint of blonde hair, green eyes, athletic build, straight teeth and perfect tan. Compared to me people would say he was a god. The good thing is he's never been to cocky about his looks, he knows hes hot, but will never use a girl because it. He's sort of like a friendly giant like that.

"Hey, Solar System" Isaac was smiling but I could tell that he was sad. His nickname for me was Solar System because of how my name is so similar to the word 'lunar', it was our thing, not even my mum would call me that.

"Zac, you better keep calling me that, even in 60 years, even if we aren't friends, even if the fam-"

"WE AREN'T GOING TO BE FRIENDS IN 60 YEARS?!?!" he half shouted with a cheeky smile, making a few customers in the cafe look at us.

"Is that all you got out of that? and i'll have to think about it, how much does our friendship really mean to me?" I smirked. Isaac got out of his seat and cozied up to me looking at me with his best puppy dog eyes.


"nope" i snickered and he started tickling me, we had already payed for our drinks so i ran out of the cafe once i was able to break free from Isaac's grip.

About 10 seconds after i left the cafe i heard the door opening and closing, i looked back to Isaac quickly gaining on me. I am the soccer player after all so i reminded him of that by speeding away to a nearby park. I could no longer here footsteps behind me so i came to a halt, checking around me for Isaac.


I sit on a rusty, wooden park bench facing the massive oval ahead, I remember the days when I used to play little league on this pitch, never would i have thought that i would make it to the big leagues.

I take out my phone from my favourite soccer jumper, I wear it everywhere I go and Isaac has the exact same one too, I call Isaac and after a few rings he picks up.

"Dude, where are you, couldn't keep up with me could you?" i say with a smile on my face

"I stopped chasing you and went home, I'm eating pizza, you're welcome to come if you want some" I can hear him stifle a laugh.

"are you serious!? couldn't you of told me that you left?" I paused and waited for a response but nothing came so i continued. "Mate, when i get to your place, i swear i'm going to cook you on the barbie!" I ended the call and didn't let him finish, the walk from the park to his place was close, and the walk from his place to mine was even closer, he literally lived across from me. We both didn't have very big houses nor were they small, they were the right size, both 2 stories.

I walk in, he always leaves the door unlocked, he actually is eating pizza and watching Teen Wolf, a show we're both obsessed with.

"nice of you to join me" he says laughing, i grab a pillow and throw it at him.

It was only 12 in the afternoon, we spent the whole day watching some of our favourite movies until it was about 9 we came back to mine so that he could sleep here for the night. We sleep over at each others so often that we basically have a room that we call ours in each others house.

We climb up onto the roof, with blankets, marshmallows, hot chocolate, pillows and my laptop. The sky is full of stars with a bright gray moon to the left. We were just watching movies until Isaac reminded us both about tomorrow.

"I can't believe your actually going to be leaving Luna, I'm going to have to find someone else as good as you are at being my best friend" he paused looked at me and then continued "we both know thats impossible, you know me inside out" the amount of sadness in his voice made me want to cry, he's always the one to be there for me when I'm sad and the one time when he is sad I'm going to be all the way across the world.

"Honestly, i can't believe it either Zac, and who said you have to replace me?! I'm going to call or face time you everyday! I'm going to make it work, your my best friend, i'll stay up till 1 if i have to!" i said trying to make things somewhat better.

"Luna, do you really believe that you will have the time and energy to face time or call me every night? At first, yeah we can do it, but let's be real Luna. I get it your trying to make things better but there's no point beating around the bush." I didn't reply because even though it was true, it still stung. "Look Luna, I'm sorry, that was actually really mean of me, but yourself in my shoes and look at it from my point of view. Sure, we have other friends than just each other but we've been through everything together, and for you to move to London tomorrow afternoon to start you big career, I feel like you're going to forget about us, just promise me one thing Luna."

"Anything, name it and you got it" I said with a warm smile.

"Promise me you won't forget about us, I want us to be best friends, even when we're old and frail because... I... I lov-" He didn't finish his sentence, he looked up at me, looked down again and continued "I love our friendship, the way we trust each other and still be weird with one another, I don't want to lose that" I could tell he wanted to say something but held it back, but I didn't say anything, instead I moved closer to him and cuddled up to him.

These are going to be the last few hours with him, before I go to a spoiled brats school for the insanely rich. I want to cherish moments like these because I know I'm going to miss them.

"What club signed you up anyways?"
"I thought you'd never ask! You love soccer just as much as me, I'm surprised that wasn't your first question"
"Yeah, whatever, now tell me"
" It's your favourite club"
"No way!!! Arsenal Fc signed you?!!!"

"I promise to bring you back merchandise and signed things from the players" I said with a big smile, but Isaacs was even bigger.
"You know, I don't mind you leaving after all, this could actually work" he had a cheeky smile spread across his face. I jokingly punched him on the shoulder and he faked being hurt by it.
I can feel the eventual tears welling in my eyes, my nose is stinging, turning red and I want to just go back to bed and cry. With time ticking, the time till I board is touring me at the back of my mind. I glance at Isaac as we walk past the restaurants and shops in the airport, being flashed with cameras from the press, his facial expression is nonchalant but his brows are slightly furrowed together. I feel guilty of leaving him, I want to apologise but I can't do that with a hundred people filming as I do so.

I stop waking for a second and close my eyes and just think about all the pros about moving to England, to give me more reasons why I shouldn't just chicken out and run away to Alice Springs where no one would find me, literally, it's just a bunch of open land there.

I open my eyes when I feel a pit of big hands on my shoulders, my dad.
His brown orbs look back at me, people say he's good looking, he does look quite young for his age buts that's just weird.
"You okay kiddo?"
"Yeah, i'm fine dad, thanks"
"Alrighty, let's go then!"

After a while we get on an airport buggie and it takes us to my private jet, my mum is crying a waterfall, dad tries to hold it in but fails miserably and then there's Isaac, he's quite but tears are visible flowing down his checks with a bright red nose. I say my goodbyes to my family and Isaac, Isaac gives me a tight hug and kisses my cheek and then whispers, "please, dont forget about me, about us" then turns before i can answer him and grabs my bags, helping my dad load them onto the plane. We take a group selfie and i quickly upload it onto instagram with the caption 'I will never forget', it instantly gets thousands of likes.

The plane roars to life and I fall to sleep, dreaming of playing soccer for Arsenal FC...

SOOOOOOO that took agesss to upload, but its finally here! So I've written stories before but I never continued them but for this one i made a promise/goal to myself that I'd continue this one no matter what, uploads will be slow though because I have exams coming up :((

What do you think of Luna and Isaac?

WHat do you think should happen at her new school? comment and i will definitely add it to my plot!

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