Who Doesn't Like Green Eyes?

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I am warmly welcomed by the staff at the airport in London, the flight was long and exhausting but luckily i got some sleep.

"Hi, I'll be your escort through the airport today, my name is Anna" A lady in a navy blue uniform, ironed to perfection with a warm smile walked up to me. I introduce myself back and gladly follow her though the airport as my bags get checked. We finally finish all the bag checks and I start to walk out, I'm hit with flashes from all sides, I quickly walk out to a minibus waiting for me, there are three other boys on the bus who seemed to know each other well so I sat the furthered r seat away from them so that I wouldn't interrupt them.

After yet another boy entered the bus and sat next to me came in we finally left. I felt like an outsider because all four boys knew each other. 20 minutes into the drive to who knows where, one of the boys who was sitting next to me, who had black hair and slightly tanned skin asked me: "what's the beautiful name that matches the beautiful face?" It took me a second to realise that he was talking to me.
"Luna" I say with a half - smile.
"And does this gorgeous Luna have a last name? Or should we just call her Luna No-Last-Name?" This time a dirty blonde haired boy with green eyes asked me, he was sitting in the row in front of me and the black haired guy. My smile grew, just by a bit and I replied "It's Luna Di-" before I could finish the driver interrupted me by telling us that we have arrived at the school. I'm guessing these boys landed at the same time as me so they took us all together here.

I step out of the minibus and look around, it's massive with big black gates in the front with a billboard saying "Mackenzie's School For The Rich". Luscious bright green grass surround the school, I can't see much from the front but I can see a bit of the football field, perfectly mowed lawn and the lines of the pitch are all in a stand - outish kind of white.
I walk to the back of the bus to see all four boys already emptying the suitcases, I go around to help but the boy with green eyes and dirty blonde hair stops me from doing so saying "we can't have the lady taking her own bags, now can we?"
"I'm perfectly capable of taking my my bags thanks mate"
"Ooo she's from Australia"
"Where about's in Australia?" A different boy pipes in, one that hasn't spoken to me yet, he has tanned skin and brown curly hair tousled around.
"Melbourne" I say proudly, we are, after all, the most liveable city in the world.
"From down under aye?" Another boy says with a smirk, he hasn't spoken to me either, he had tanned skin and brown tousled hair aswell, now that i come to think of it, they're identical twins.

I must've shown some sort of facial expression because he spoke again "yeh, we're twins" he said with a slight chuckled, his bright white teeth perfectly aligned with a smile at me.
I take my four suitcases/strolleys and try to walk away but the boy with black hair holds a tight grip on my wrist "why the sass? we were only trying to help"
I wriggle my hand out of his grip and retort back "why all the questions? I wasn't aware we were playing 20 questions" and walk away with my head held high.

"I love a girl with sass just so you know!" One of them shouts, I look back to see its was the boy with green eyes.

"Well find another one because I'm not into guys with green eyes!" I shout back, getting a few looks from students walking by.

"I never said I was into you and plus who doesn't like green eyes!" He retorts back, I stomp up to him with my bags behind me. I get close to his face and say "I know you're into me though" I say with a smirk. He steps closer to me, I can feel his hot breath on my forehead since he was taller than me. "Babe, please, keep telling yourself that , if that's what helps you sleep at night" he smirks back. I look up and star into his green orbs for a few seconds,step back and walk away, I can hear all the guys hooting a highfiving. Once I'm atleast a good 15 metres away I call back to him once and for all "Stop checking my ass out" I look back and he's bright red and the other boys are all laughing at him.

After I walk up the stairs to the front reception I realise I never got their names, oh well. I walk up to the front desk lady and ask her about my dorm and schedule.

"What's your name sweety?" She asks with a warm smile on her face, she looks like she's in her mid 30's.

"Luna Di Maria"

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