I'm A Very Judgmental Person

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They looked more than happy and I couldn't of been less disappointed in my life than just now. They must've seen it in my expression because the boy with black hair and pale skin commented "you know, if the wind changes, your face is going to stay like that"

My heads look his way, behind all the boys, I cock an eyebrow up. "What the actual fuck did you just say?! Is that even a phrase?"

"YEAHHH!, haven't you ever head of it before?"

"Don't bullshit me, I've never heard that before"

"Where have you been living?! Under a rock?"

"Australia, actually" the boys laughed except for the big with the green eyes.

"You're sitting in our seats, we reserved them" the green - eyed boy said

"Your eyes were sharp enough to get a good look at my arse, but you can't see that I was just getting up to leave when you bumped into me" I shot back. He blushed but I could see the fury behind his eyes, I took that as my cue to leave. All the boys had taken their seats and I had just fitted my way through the whole row to the aisle.

"There's one seat left, you should sit with us" I turn back to see one of the twins smiling at me.

"Nah, it's 'right, I can see a spare seat further down."

"If you want, but when you realise that it's a shitty seat you're always welcome back" he chuckled.

"Thanks mate"

I walked down a couple of rows, and said my 'sorrys' and 'exscuse me's' as I squeezed myself through the row and to the seat. The view wasn't that bad to be honest, but I have to admit, it was better up there. I look to my right and see a bunch of girls engrossed in their own little conversation so I didn't want to rudely interrupt, but to my left there was an overly - excited boy.

He had dark , shaggy and long brown hair - almost black - and fair skin with matte black glasses that hid his deep brown pupils. He looked Arabian of some sort, I'm not sure I'm extremely bad at guessing ethnicity. He must've seen me looking because he spoke up "I'm sooooo excited, you have no idea!" He displayed an all - white smile that went up to his eyes. "The name is Cole Farris"

I shook his hand, "Luna Di Maria" I smiled back. His eyes lit up at the mention of my name. Must be a soccer fan.

"Are you related to him?!" He was practically jumping in his seat and I couldn't help myself but laugh at him.

"No, sadly. I've met him before though"

"Same! He's so much cooler in real life"

"I know right! He was so nice!" I agreed and chuckled.

We spent the last 20 minutes before the game started talking about random things. Cole is from here, his dad is a lawyer so that explains why he's in this school. I feel like Cole would become one of my closest friends here in MSFTR (Mackenzie's school for the rich).

The game starts and I occasionally look back to the boys to see the boy with green eyes always looking at me with furrowed brows but quickly looks away when I'm looking.

"Do you know them?" Cole asks me looking back as well toward the boys.

"Sort of, but not really"

"Don't fall for any of them, trust me on this"


"Ask me again after you've stayed a full week here" I nod and turn back to the game.

We end up winning 4-1, Cole couldn't contain his joy and started jumping up and down and even hugged me and picked me up, twirling me in the process.

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