Living In A Palace

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I got settled into my dorm, there was only one bed actually made so I
assumed it was mine. There were five other beds and then there was mine in the corner next to the window. The other beds had unmade sheets that were
their own from home, some of a simple pattern and others of their favourite things such as cars or characters. I assume some of them were boys based on their bedside tables and their sheets, but then again they could just be

The room was massive yet cosy, each bed had at least four fluffed pillows and a pristine white bedside table to go with them, next to the bedside tables were a door each. I opened my door to find a walk in wardrobe with a mirror, a table and lounge chair in it. There were three beds on the right and three on the left, the same bed as mine (next the far wall near the window) but on the left side of the room had a door next to it, I opened the door and inside
was a luxurious bathroom with automatic light and a stall for each
roommate, on the right there were a row of sinks with a large, stretched
mirror in front with and assortment of soaps and shampoos.

I look in awe at everything in the room for a good 5 minutes, after all
this is a school for the rich. My family is not rich though, we're not poor either, we're just fine but since now I play at Arsenal FC I can pay for the school. I only go here because of the paparazzi and the things is: I'm not even that famous except for being a part time model and my last name coincidently being Di Maria (you know, the famous soccer player?) I've got a few famous friends but that about it.

It's around 2 in the afternoon now and it's been 3 hours since I arrived. Iv'e unpacked and taken a tour of the school by myself, it's like I'm living in a palace! None of my roommates have come back yet and I've got the rest of the day off, I skipped lunch because I had already had something to eat at the airport. I take out my phone and turn it on to see a picture of Isaac and I on a sleepover at his house, the rooms is dark but the flash of the photo brightens it and you can see us on the bed laughing our ass' off, it's a very tumblr photo I must say. I stare at the photo and in knowingly smile to myself until the phone automatically turns off again.

"All students are welcome to watch a friendly between our very own Mackenzie Moose's play against the Tarren High Tigers soccer team in half an hour on our home ground" a women says through the intercom.

I'm guessing Tarren High is another rich school so I guess it'll be a game worth watching. I walk down to reception the reception on my floor (there's a reception on every floor), the lady smiles at me.

"Uh, hi, so where is our home ground?"

"You must be new!"

"Yeah, I arrived this morning" I smile back.

"Well if you go all the way to the ground floor..." She told me a list of directions which I didn't really listen to. She must've noticed and grabbed something from under her mahogany desk, a map. She drew a couple of lines and labeled a few of them and handed it to me, with yet another warming smile.

"It's a very big school, I know. I've been here for four years and I still get lost" she laughed lightly at herself. "There's going to be a tour group just before dinner tonight, you should go along, plus you'll meet some other new students" I thanked her and followed along the line of the map leading to the soccer field. I most likely will go to the tour group, I've got nothing better to do, I've got the whole week off school to settle in.

As I get closer I can hear a crowd, roaring, screaming, chanting and hooting. I can see the field from here but this time it's a stadium, I then realised that the pitch I saw before was just a practice ground or maybe for any student who just wants to kick a ball. But this, this was the real deal.

I don't really have any friends yet, so it'd be of no use to look for anyone, not that I can anyways. I only knew the receptionist and those four boys who came on the bus with me, but I doubt they'll be here.

I think back to this morning when I met them, they were from America, although they didn't say it I could tell by their accents. I still don't know how they knew each other if they just arrived along with me, there is the possibility that they were from the same school but if you really think about it, what are the chances that four boys from the same school move away to the same country, go to the same school AND arrive at the same time?

On the field I can see the colours of both the teams training, the loud chatter of the crowd in the background. I take a seat in the front row, which has multiple seats next to me. I don't know why people aren't sitting here, they're really good seats! Right behind the goals that our team would be shooting towards in the first half.

After about twenty minutes or so, I see a few people around be giving me some dirty looks, there must be a reason people aren't sitting here. Just as I get up to sit somewhere else I bump into someone trying to sit down. I fall back onto the chair "oi, watch where you're going mate" i say in annoyance, I look up only to see them.

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Zel xx

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