A Ray Of Sunshine

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The week of holidays has finished and we're now three weeks into the term  and things couldn't have been better, I've face timed Isaac everyday and Cole and I have quite a lot of classes together. He's become one of my best friends even though I've only known him for a week. I told Isaac about Cole, I thought that I would regret my words as soon as they came out of my mouth but Isaac was actually happy for me, and Cole and Isaac actually text each other. I haven't talked to those four boys since the very first day, but occasions see them around and they smile, I, returning the gesture back. The boy with the green eye always furrows his eye brows when he sees me, not an expression of anger, but an expression of confusion I guess. They all have sport with me though, but I mainly hang out with Cole.

Today I'm going to Arsenal FC to begin my first training and meet my team, I train most days after school for about 3 hours, I did the same back home so I'm used to it.


I walk up to the club gates an show the security guard my Arsenal ID. He escorts me into the building and leads me down a series of halls and leaves me when we finally reach the door of the girls change rooms. I stand there for about a minute talking myself and taking deep breathes. I push the door open, everyone in the room stops talking and stares at me.

"There she is!" My new coach, Coach Gordo. Everyone smiles as if on cue and welcome me in.
"Marcy" they go around the room saying their names.

"Luna" they smile even harder.

"This is Braden, the fitness coach and my son Taz, he will help out occasionally"

Braden waves to me, I look over to Taz and he's looking down at his phone so I can't see anything but his hair mopped over his face.

"Taz, don't be rude, say hi" Coach says to him and smiles apologetically to me. Taz look up at me and both our faces sport a look of shock. It was at that moment I realised it was one of the twins I met with the four other boys, I knew that that brown tousled hair and tanned skin looked familiar. He quickly covers his look of shock up and smirks.

"It's Luna No-Last-Name" he chuckles. My jaw was still dropped to the floor and the coaches and girls were looking back and forth at us trying to figure out watch just happened. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies" reluctantly I close my mouth and frown at him, earning another laugh from him.

"How do you know Taz?" Coach Gordo pipes into Taz and I's little stare off.

"We don't" I force a chuckle and at the same time Taz says "School" I shoot a glare towards him and he just shrugs.

"Okay well," Coach Gordo claps his hands together trying to break the silence, "We are going to start off with some agility, speed and reaction tests to see who's best for what position and what we need to help you individually work on" He smiles around the room and the girls pile out. I go to find my locker with the name Di Maria on it and place my soccer bag in it, I take out our training kit.

"How ironic is it?"

I turn around sharply, almost hitting my head on the locker door, "God, you scared me!" I sigh. 

"I know I'm great, but I'm not God, I'm Tanner" Taz says bursting out laughing as if he's said the greatest joke in the world.


"Well yeah, you didn't think that my parents named me Taz?" He almost spits out the name as if it's revolting to hear. "My full name is Tanner, but that's a sissy name and my soccer team call me Taz for short. So yeah, call me Taz because if you tell anyone my name is Tanner I will hunt you down"

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