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She smiled looking at all of the guest who came to the royal party. She stood still beside one of her older brothers.

It was a very lovely night as usual in Asgard. Everyone was thought to be happy excluding Katerina, and Loki. Katerina was unhappy because of what her father had planned for her.

To get married to a handsome young man, but she didn't want that. To get married to someone that she doesn't even know. She was disgusted by just the thought of it.

It was cruel. Very cruel.

She wanted to get married the 'human' way. The way you get to choice who you shall marry. She didn't want this. That's why you had a plan...

"Are you sure about this?"She heard her brother Loki ask.

Katerina stiffly nodded..."Of course I am. I rather not live my life like this. Why have you asked, brother? Trying to get me to change my mind?"Katerina questioned grinning.

Loki only shook his head. Of course he was going to miss his only sister. But, this was what she wanted.

Katerina looked around once more. Her eyes landed on her mother. Frigga who stood by Odin's throne.

Other than Loki, Frigga also knew of Katerina's plan. They both shared a sad look.

"Now."Loki whispered to his partner in crime. Katerina shared one more glance at her mother before nodding to Loki.

Loki grabbed his sister's hand, and made his way through the crowd. Katerina was beyond nervous. What if their plan failed? What if they were caught? What if Odin found out? Some many 'what ifs' flowed through her mind. It was all to much to bare, but she was not giving up that quickly.

She just couldn't.

It was not long before they had fully exited the ball room.

"Brother? Sister?"A voice boomed.

Katerina's eyes widened as she turned around. She smiled at him.

"Thor. "She greeted him. Loki only grinned.

The almighty Thor stood in all his glory. Red cape, and all.

"Why are thou here? And not at -" Loki cut him off.

"Brother."He started.

"I, and our dear sister here are getting her soon to be husband ...a gift."Loki explained.

Thor nodded. "Can it not wait later?"He asked.

Katerina shook her head. "Of course not! I want to give him his present in front of everyone. It's the perfect timing."She said.

Thor nodded,"Do as you wish. But hurry back.Father wants you to make a good impression for your soon to be husband."Thor said.

Katerina smiled,"I will."

"Very well."Thor lastly stated with one nod of his head. With that he walked back to the ballroom.

When Thor was out of hearing, and eye sight Katerina laughed. Loki smirked.

"I can't believe he fell for that. "

"Come along sister, we must hurry."Loki said grabbing Katerina's hand as they ran to their destination.

They were soon outside of the palace of Asgard.

Loki muttered a few things under his breath.

Suddenly, his scepter appeared in his hand. In his other hand he held a light blue coat, with a book in his hand.

Katerina took a hold of the book, and the coat. They both closed their eyes at the wind picked up.

A green but small portal stood behind Katerina. With glossy eyes Katerina took another look around.

Lastly, her eyes met Loki's. She smiled at him. "I'm going miss you brother. I'm gonna miss you all."She said.

And with that Katerina entered the portal.

First story! Yay! I'm so excited. Hope you like.

Dedicated to lunarmuse


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