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Jonathan immediately let out a sigh as he entered his house. He slightly tighten his grip on his suitcase which contained his mask.

"Katerina!?"He called out. That one word left a odd taste on his lips. It was perhaps his first time saying it.

The house was quiet– oddly quiet.

"Katerina?"He called out again.

No such answer.

He ran his head through his hair in frustration. Sitting his suitcase down he made his way deeper into the house looking for the one he met earlier.

When he entered the living room he was quite surprised at the sight before him.

Katerina was standing on top of his coffee table dancing while drinking from a bottle of wine. He then noticed the other several bottles of tequila, other liquors, and wines were scrawled out before him.

A drinker eh? Such fascinating information.

He cleared his throat trying to get her attention. With bottle in hand she turned around glazing at Jonathan.

"I thought I could trust you to do something effective with time."

"Trust is earned. I just can't magically hand it over."She saidquestioned.

I might actually be fond of this child. But it wouldn't hurt to hear her screams for her deepest fear. I wonder what does she fear?

"Is that all you done? Drink since I've been gone?"Jonathan question her.

Slowly, she shook her head. "I've eaten somethings... I'm not quite sure what you mortals call them. They were good I guess."She said.


"I wanna go! Let's go. Shall we?"She asked looking at Jonathan.

He furrowed his eyebrows, and narrowed his icy blue eyes. "Go? Go where?"He questioned.

Katerina only sighed, and shook her head. "I wish to explore! I wish to see how you mortals live! I want to to see your job as well."She said.

Did she just


"I can tolerate that idea."He said after clearing his throat.

"I have a question as well. Katerina,  when you say you wish to see my job you mean what exactly?"He asked her.

"I wish to see why you are so obsessed with fear, mortal. I want to see you use your – whatever name you gave it – on someone."Katerina said extremely slowly. She wanted the words to soak in his mind.

"Very well."

Very short chapter. Sorry! I just wanted a full chapter just about Katerina exploring Earth! Woo hoo!

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