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Jonathan lead the Asgardian princess outside of the building. She looked around in pure curiosity.

"What is that?"

Jonathan stopped to look at her. "It's a vehicle a way of human transportation. In a way it's like a horse but different. There are others like this such as boats, buses, bikes, planes- "

"Planes? We have planes as well. But I'm pretty sure there a bit different as to yours."Katerina said.

Jonathan walked towards his gray Mercedes Benz. He opened the door for Katerina who looked confused, but didn't say anything.

"Get in."

Slowly, Katerina walked towards the "car", and got in. Jonathan shut the door behind her, and got in on the driver side.

Katerina watched as he got out his keys, and everything. Her eyes widen as she heard the engine.

Jonathan chuckled, lowly as he began to drive.

"Where are we going again?"Katerina asked looking around.

"I'm taking you to my house. Can't let you wonder around town.-"


Jonathan quickly glanced at her. "One reason your dress. People don't dress like that here. Only on some occasions."He explained.

Katerina only nodded.

"Whereas I am going to work after I have dropped you off."

Once again Katerina said nothing.

The ride was rather short in Katerina's opinion. All she did was look out the thing Jonathan called "a window".

Jonathan cut off the car's engine, and stepped out. Rather quickly he opened Katerina's door. She stepped out looking around.

"Come along now."Jonathan said as he quickly walked away. After glaring at his back Katerina followed behind him.

She watched as he pulled out the same key chain and unlocked his front door. When he did he stepped to the side to let the Asgardian beauty walk in before him.

The house was very fairly nice, and clean. Unlike the building they just left.

"Do you live alone?"

"Why of course."Was all he said.

Katerina nodded. She didn't take Jonathan to be a people's person. Quite the opposite.

She walked around the house for a bit
just looking around. It was quite different than what she was used to that was sure.

Jonathan quickly watched her making sure she didn't break anything of his.

He cleared his throat almost immediately getting her attention. Katerina looked at him, eyebrows furrowed.

Who Are You? |Jonathan Crane|Where stories live. Discover now