The Birth

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Minerva McGonagall was in here class room teaching a group of Hufflepuff's when she started to have pains in her stomach. The witch was nine months pregnant and with the love of her life. Just as she growled in pain her water broke right in the middle of the class.
"Go get professor Snape and madam pomfrey now tell them that the baby's coming Hurry." The professor said in pain
"Yes professor." One of the Hufflepuff said run out of the room with another one of the students.

Snape's POV

"Professor Snape it's an emergency."
"What is it you stupid child"
"Sir its professor McGonagall her water just broke in the middle of class she sent me to get you" the child said
"WHAT" I screamed
" I said..."
"I know what you said Class dismissed." I said running out of the room to the hospital wing as fast as I can. When I got to the hospital wing Minnie was already there and crying in pain. I ran right to her side.
"Sorry I am late the child that came to tell me was taking her sweet time telling me." I said kissing her forehead.
"Its fine the baby has not been born yet so its fine. OK "
"Ok Minnie its time to start pushing ok just remember to breath well you push and Severus encourage her as much as you can. Ok Minnie start pushing now." Madam pomfrey said
"Min you doing great just pushing." I told her trying to ensuring her that she doing perfect. After about five minutes of pushing minnie gives birth to a baby girl who has brown hair and blue green eyes.
"What are we going to name her sev?" Minnie asked me
"Hmm I think we should name her Evie. What do you think?"
" yes Evie Marie Snape is prefect for our angel."
"Yes just perfect. She looks just like you min and that's a good thing." I said
" I don't think it is a good thing she does not have any of your look maybe she will have some of your traits."
"Well what a beautiful baby Minerva and Severus. Have you guys chosen a name for her yet?" Ablus asked
"Yes we have we named her Evie Marie Snape." I said trying not to be rude to him.
"Ah such a beautiful name. You know Evie means life." Saying that he left us alone to be together he even canceled the classes for two days. October 31 became the best day of my life.

So this is my first harry potter book so it may be a little weird at some times just stay with me to the end
Love, Kate

P.S the pic is of Evie a day or two after her birth

Evie Snape daughter of the strictest teachersWhere stories live. Discover now