the masked Royals

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After Ron and Harry said that my dad was going to steal the Sorcerer's Stone I started to ignore them. So then I started to stay in my room all the time to sing. Then Hermione gave me a great ideal for my singing.
    Sitting in my room, Hermione and I were singing and talking about singing for a crowd as a job then it hit me.
"Mione why we don't we start our own band?" I asked
"Oh my, evie that's a great ideal but whet would we call our band?"
"How about the masked Royals."
"Amazing E, let's go talk to Dumbledore about it all."
    After Hermione said that we run as fast as we could all the way to the headmaster's office. When we got there papa was still out side the office getting ready to go into the office.
"Papa wait we need talk to you." I yelled
"No need to yell Evie I had a feeling you and miss Granger wanted to talk to me."
   We walked into papa's office and sat in the chairs in front of the desk.
"So what is it you wanted talk to me about." Pap asked us
"Well professor we were wondering if we can make our own band and possibly have our first performance here at school." Hermione told papa
"Hmm..…. I think it would be great for you two to do that but evie you must make sure its OK with your parents. If they say its OK what will your band be named?"
"We decided to name it the masked Royals." I said to papa
"Ah a perfect name, your first performance is next week on Wednesday. OK girls now evie I suggest you go talk to your parents about all of this."
"I will bye papa." I said and me and hermione walked out of the office and we headed in our own directions, I went to speak too mum and dad. I walked into dad's office knowing that tonight they are sleeping in his living quarters.
"Dad, Mum I know you're both here. I want to talk to you both" I yelled walking into the room

⚡Snape's POV ⚡

Minnie and I were laying in bed not sleeping just laying around. Then I rolled on top of her and started to kiss her and her hands wrapped around my neck and my hands went to the sides of her head to support me so I don't crush her. The kiss started to deepen more and more.
"Dad, Mum! I know you're both here. I want to talk to you both." Evie screamed in to the room. We stopped kissing and I rolled off Minerva.
"God, why is it every time we kiss we get stopped by albus or Evie. It gets a little annoying having it over and over again."
"Yes it does but we will get over it, let's go see what she wants this time Sev." Minnie said we walked out to the room to see Evie laying upside down in the chair with her feet over the top of the chair.
"Evie what are you doing?" She screamed and fell out of the chair Min and I ran over to her to check to  see if she was OK.
"God you scared the crap out of me dad." Evie said
"Well what did you want to talk about  me and your mother don't have all night?"
"Yeah yes like your the only one that has things to do, but anyway can I start a band, the masked royals have a concert on Wednesday. K bye."
"Not so fast who said you can have a band?" I asked
"Papa"evie said
"You can but who else is in the band with you?" Minnie asked
"Oh just me, Hermione and possibly Luna and the twins for effect."
"OK but why are you the masked royals?" I asked Evie
"Oh because I am the school royal and all the rest of us have traits of their own like Luna is different and proud of it, the twins are great at pranks and effects,Fred plays the guitar, and George plays this drums, hermione and I have the best sining voice in the school. So we are royals in our own way, but I must be going, I have to get to bed. Goodnight mum, goodnight dad." Evie said walking out the door.
"Goodnight evie." Minnie and I said and watched evie walk out the door. Then we went to bed.


Evie Snape daughter of the strictest teachersWhere stories live. Discover now