Trap door

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So this is hermione's dress for the band. The color is Sapphire and it took me 20 minutes to find a dress the exact same color sapphire.
Love Kate

So the masked royals and I have been practicing a lot, we want this performance to be perfect. But on our free time Hermione and I help Harry and Ron trying to find out when we are going to get the stone and trap the person who is trying to steal it from papa and they keep telling me that its my dad trying to steal it. The exams are done mum had us turn a mouse into snuffboxes, I did great. Dad made us make a forgetfulness potion, I great for that test too. Then harry realized something and took of running.
"We need to see professor Dumbledore now."
They looked, as if hoping to see a sign pointing them in the right direction. I found out papa had his office moved and I did not know where it is now.
"What are you four doing inside?"
It was mum, carrying a large pile of books.
"We want to see professor Dumbledore," said Hermione, rather brave, me, harry and Ron thought.
"See professor Dumbledore?" Mum repeated, as thoughthis was very fishy thing to want to do."why?"
Harry swallowed-- now what?
"It's sort of a secret," harry said but he wished he had not because mums nostrils flared.
"Professor Dumbledore is not here." Mum said to us
"He got an urgent owl from the ministry of magic and flew off for London at once."
"He's gone." Harry said "now"
"He's a very busy man Mr. Potter.."
"Look"harry said picking his words carful. "Its about the sorcerer's stone --"
Whatever professor McGonagall had expected, it wasn't that. The books she was carrying tumbled out of her arms, but she didn't pick them up.
"How do you know---" mum spluttered.
"Professor, I think - I know - that sn -- that someone is going to steal the stone. I've got to talk to professor Dumbledore"
Mum just stared at him and told us that it was protected. Then we ran into dad he told harry that if he did not behave he would be expelled.
"Evie a minute please." Dad asked me I nodded and walked over to him.
"When are you going down the though the trap door?" He asked me
"Tonight they are going down but I am not going down there I am staying here." I told him
"K just make sure they are there on time." He said that and he walked way.
After about 7 hours there went down and I ran of to get mum dad and papa. I when I got there mum was in dads arms and papa was just watching. I may have ruined it by laughing.
"Nice now what did you want?" Mum asked
"They just went down give or take about ten minutes it took me to get here and stop laughing at you." I said and they got up and walked down to the door. When we got down we seen that the room were went through and the chess room Hermione was there trying to pick up Ron and carry him.
"Hermione Jane Granger what the hell happened here?" I screamed at her and she just dropped Ron and started to talk.
"Well we were playing the chess boarded and the only way for harry to get though the game was for Ron the get sacrificed and he did and he fell of and was knocked of the horse and knocked out it probably does not help that I just dropped him again though." She said and I bursted out laughing.
"No it does not but I'll help you get him up to the hospital wing. Bye make sure Harrys alright would you and filiusis next so remember to be careful I don't need my parents in the hospital wing with my friends in there too." I said well me and hermione was picking up Ron 'god he's heavy ' I thought and me and mione was on pur way to the hospital wing. When we got there loopy was in her office I am pretty sure she was crying today was the ten year mark of her husbands death. I hermione put Ron on the bed and I walked to her office and walked up to her and hugged her she jumped a little and she turned aroundand hugged me back.
"Poppy Ron harry and hermione went to trapdoor and Ron was knocked out and hermione has cuts on her and harry should be here later so I suggest you go check them out and then we can talk about my performance on Wednesday." I said she nodded and walked out to check on Ron and hermione, I walked out after her.
After she checked them out hermione, poppy and I started to talk about our performance and how we were scared that it won't be right and things will go wrong. Then about ten minutes later papa mum and dad walked into the room with harry we stopped talking and poppy got to work. About another ten minutes went bye and me. Hermione were able to leave and we stayed together at my room and obviously went to bed.

Evie Snape daughter of the strictest teachersWhere stories live. Discover now