one year later

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Minerva's POV

      It has been almost a full year since the birth of Evie and it has been just perfect for us. We live at Hogwarts since it still the school year and Evie gets spoiled by all the other teachers especially Pomona and filius who are her godparents along with the malfoys. At dinner Evie was sitting on my lap eating a cupcake and Severus sitting next to us every thing was perfect and then the unexpected happened.
"Upake Upake"
"Did she just say something severus?"
"Yes I believe she said something." Severus said looking at Evie with a small smile on his face.
"Upake Upake" little Evie said trying to find a cupcake
"I think she said cupcake or trying to" sev said
"Do you want a cupcake Evie?" I asked she smiled and giggled.
"You can't have another cupcake you already had two." Sev told her and she started to get upset. Then she said "Upake" and a cupcake landed in front of her and one on Severus's head.
"That's what you get for telling her no to the cupcake severus, you should not tell a baby no to a cupcake." I said trying not to laugh. Finally almost the whole staff seen severus with a cupcake on his head and started to laugh at him he glared and quickly used magic to clean the cupcake of his head.
"I think its time to get her to bed don't you think Minnie?"
"Yes we should get her cleaned and of to bed goodnight everyone." I said and went to our room in the dungeon.
   When we got there I started a bath for her and see got her out of her cloths and put her in the tub and washed her. Well I picked out her PJ'S for the night and got her dressed for bed. Then I sat down on the bed with Evie in my arms and sang to her In tell she was asleep I placed her in her crib and went to the living room and sat next to sev.
"She asleep finally."
"That means we have some time alone." Sev said leaning in to kiss me. When our lips touched my arms wrapped around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist, we started to deepen the kiss but were interrupted by a knock on the door.
We pulled a part and said come in and in came poppy pomfrey ,the schools nurse,and started to cry when she got in the room.
"Poppy whats wrong?"
"He's dead Minnie dead Ty, he's dead"she said starting to cry even more than before.
"How dids he die poppy" I asked
"Five stunners to the head trying to protect me against death eaters I was able to get out but he died." Poppy said
"Oh poppy I'm so sorry this had to happen to you."
"Its fine you had no control over it I'm just sad that we didn't have children before one of us died."she said.
  That day was the worst day for all of the school because ty was a teacher and the husband to madam pomfrey. He would be missed forever.


Evie Snape daughter of the strictest teachersWhere stories live. Discover now