Chapter Seven: I'm Coming Home

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Emily's POV 

"Emily, can you stop skyping Connor for, like, two seconds?! Riley keeps tweeting!" Izzy shouts. Connor sighs.

"I thought I hid it from him," he says.

"Connor, under your pillow isn't really hidden!" I hear Riley shout. He shoots up from his chair and disappears from the screen. Izzy shoves her laptop in my face, and I see a new tweet on her account.  

@BYETheBestThing: Riley's hotter than the Sahara Desert ;)

"That child is so dead," I say.

"You're only older than him by two months," she says.

"I don't care. He's dead," I say, making her laugh. Connor appears in front of the computer screen.

"I got it. My door's locked, so we should be safe. You guys are leaving tomorrow morning, right?" he asks.

"Yeah, we should probably go to bed. We have to leave early to beat traffic, and I need to get a lot of money for gas," I say.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you live all the way in Massachusetts. That's a lot of gas money," he says.  

"Tell me about it. We already went shopping for travel food, and I still need to pack some things," I say.  

"Alright, well, I'll let you two get your beauty sleep, not that you guys need it," he says with a wink. I feel my cheeks get hot, and I look at Izzy. She's smiling like an idiot, and her cheeks are rosy.

"We'll see you soon," I say, and I log off.

"You two are really cute together," she says.

"Izzy, we're just friends," I say.

"Bullshit!" she shouts, pointing her finger at me. "You're constantly texting him, he's constantly texting back, you skype when you can, you talk to each other on the phone until three in the morning like you did today, thank you very much."

"Sorry," I say.

"It's fine. I get it, you really like him. Just tone it down a little," she says, smirking. My computer starts to ring with a call from Connor. She clicks accept.

"Riley broke into my room and took it," he says. I sigh and get an idea.

"Quick, what's his number?"

"Riley, get in here!" Connor shouts. Riley comes in hesitantly.

"Give Connor the phone, or your number goes on the internet," I say, holding up my phone.

"You don't even have it," he says. I recite it, and his eyes widen as he goes pale.  

"You wouldn't," he says. I show him the text that's ready to be sent.  

"Oh trust me, she would," Izzy says. He doesn't give Connor her phone, so I click send.  

"What did you do?!" he shouts.  

"You didn't give Connor Izzy's phone," I say.  

"Fine! Here!" he shouts, shoving the phone into Connor's hands. "Now delete the tweet!"  

"Or I could change the contact back to Connor," I say, and I change it. You see what I did there?  

He storms out after Connor shows him the text that he just received, and we all burst out laughing.  

"What's going on?" Toby asks, walking in. Connor explains to him what just happened, and Toby's almost peeing himself, he's laughing so hard.  

"Alright, well, we seriously need to go to bed. We leave at five in the morning," I say. I look at the time. It's almost ten. We need a lot of sleep.  

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