Chapter 64

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The question is, Was Mark leaving the country?

"What is he doing in an airport?"

"He left."

"He left? To where?"

What if he was in NewYork? What if he finds the people I love?!

"He left to Australia, Don't worry about it, we're ahead of you, We sent two of our best guys to follow him", Carter said,

"And so far it's all good, They tell us whatever movement he does!", Ben added smiling,

I was Happy, So Happy, So was everyone,

Everything will be alright, everything is going back to normal.

Zayn was so Happy, I could see it in his eyes, He looked at me and came closer,

"Ehm, We're in the same room!" , And Louis had to ruin the moment. So instead Zayn hugged me which turned to a group hug, Even Ben and Carter joined the hug.

"We have to celebrate!" . Louis yelled.

"Yes, I'm thinking of l-"

"No, No celebrations please!", I said,

"What? But WHY?!!"

"Becaus-", I started but Tiff cut me off,

"We can make a surprise Par-", She realized what she was saying and slapped her mouth.

"I'm happy that you guys are happy for me, But I don't want a party, or any kind of celebrations"



"Bye Babe, See you later", Zayn was leaving the country, Nope just kidding he was going home for a while, He hasn't seen his family for a long time, so I sent him with the rest of the boys, And Tiff home,

He kissed me goodbye and I closed the door after him, the boys left earlier, giving Zayn and I some free time.

After they all left, I had nothing to do so I went to my room, fed Shampoo and went to sleep.


I slept for 19 hours and 14 minutes, Yes I did the math, It was the best 19 hours I've had in my life.

I went down stairs to see that the house was a mess, I cleaned the whole place up, which took me 3 hours ,with some breaks in between, Why am I counting things today?!

The whole day was spent on TV, I was flipping the channels, nothing was interesting, I turned it off and checked my phone I've had a missed call from Aunt Sareh,

I called her, But she didn't answer, I sent her a message saying to call me when she get this,

I waited and waited, and finally decided to call my mom,

"Hey Mom!", I said through the phone.

"Hi Sam, how's everything?"

"Good, Perfect, Is Aunt Sareh with you?"


"Can you put me on speaker please?"

"How do I do that?", Mom asked,

"Ugh, Give it to me", I heard a voice.

"Hi Sam!", Aunt sara said,


"I got her a new phone a couple of days ago!"

"Oh, That's why"


"Oh, I had a missed call from you, when I called you didn't answer,"

"Yeah, I'll just tell you later", She whispered,

"Why are you whispering?!"

"I'll tell you when your mom goes to sleep, Don't worry, Bye"

With that she ended the call.


Probably two hours later Aunt Sara called,

"Hii, So, I wanted to talk about your Mom's birthday, before your mother comes back from the house next door"


"It's after a week, So I bought tickets for us to visit you"



"Thank you so much"

"No problem Sweetie, I'm going to tell her that I'm taking her to somewhere else,"

"Awesome, and as soon as you get home, We'll be waiting with a cake and some of her old friends!"

"Great, I have to go"

"Thank you, love you"

"Love you more"

The boys wanted to celebrate, Heres a good reason to celebrate,

I'll tell the boys, Some of her co-workers she liked, who else?" I thought,,

I made a list.
A list of the guests, and food.



I should've updated earlier, but I kinda forgot, sorry

Enjoy this unedited Chapter, lol
Sorry for the many mistakes

So, Zayn and perrie broke up! Don't know how to feel. Lol,


-Fatima ❤️

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