Chapter 42

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Important Note at the end of the chapter,READ IT ,Please,

"Sam,Wake up",I heard a voice Say,

"Mom,It's the weekend,let me sleep",I said buring my head deeper in my pillow,

"Sam,It's 2 in the AFTERNOON!"

"What?!",I shot up from the bed,I looked to see Tiff smirking at me,


"Hello",I greeted her and sat up,

"So you asked me to help you and when I came you were still sleeping?"


"It's okay,Now get up we don't have all day,well,I do",She said smiling,"go take a shower real quick,and I'll be down stairs with aunt Maddy and Aunt Sareh"

"Okay,I'll be quick"I took a shower and wore black leggings and a hoddie,and walked down stairs to see Tiff,Mom and Aunt Sareh Talking and drinking tea,

"Hi Guys,Comon Tiff",I said as I took Tiff's arm and dragged her behind me,

"Samantha",I heard my mom say,

"Yes?"I stopped walking,

"Where are you going?"

"My room?",I said but came out as a question,

"Sam,You know what I mean"

"Zayn is taking me out,bye",I said quickly and took Tiff who was laughing to my room,

As soon as We arrived to my room,Tiff walked to my closet and started to look for clothes,

"What are you looking for?"

"A dress,Duh"She said,Looking at a red dress,I took my phone off the charger to see a message from Zayn,

"Hey babe,I'll pick you up at 7,wear a dress Xx"

"He'll pick me up at 7,We need to be quick"

"Okay,Do you have a black dress?"

"Yeah,I have 2 or 3 at the very back of the closet"

"Oh My,This is perfect",She said and pulled a black dress from the closet,I forgot about this one,

"Sit down So I can do your hair and make-up",I sat down and let her do her magic and by Magic I really mean Magic,After two hours My hair and make-up were done and they were amazing,

It took us about 2 hours because I kept moving and asking to see my face or hair,

"Thank you,thank you"I said hugging her,After I saw my reflection in the mirror,

"No problem,You look amazing,Are you excited?"


"I hope he'll love my new look"

"Oh,Believe me he will",She winked at me,My hair was in waves,Which was very beautiful because I've never tried to do it like this,My face was flawless,It was simple but yet so beautiful,I had Eyeliner with Mascara and Red lipstick,

"We still have time,what do you want to do?"I asked,

"I don't know,A movie?"

"Sure"We started Mean girls,But didn't watch it because we started talking,I really don't know how the conversation started,But it did,and it soon ended when we saw that it was 6:30,

So I wore the black dress Tiff picked for me,and a pair of black heals,

"Wait,Let me take a photo",And after the Photographer was done with her photos We went down stairs,

"You look beautiful",Mom told me,

"You really do",Aunt Sareh said,

"Thank you guys,Thanks to Tiff who did all this".

Two minutes later we heard a horn,I said bye to everyone an saw Zayn leaning on his Car,while Typing on his phone,I got closer to him,My phone beeped,

"Hi!I was texting to te-",He stopped talking when He saw me,

"Wow,You look amazing"

"Thank you,you don't look bad yourself",I said,He took my hand and kissed it,Then took me closer to kiss me,

"They're watching"


"They're watching us,Look at the window",We both looked at the window and waved at the three heads we saw,

"How did you know?"

"I don't know I just did",

"Now kiss me"
We arrived at a fancy looking resturant that Looked french and I couldn't pronuonce it's name,

We were seated at the very back of the resturant,The view from our table was Amazing,It was fun to see people walking by the resurant,the whole street had lights which was really beautiful

"Do you like it here?"Zayn woke me up from my daydreaming,

"Yeah,It's really awesome here"

"You look really beautiful today"


"I mean you always look beautiful but you loo-",He started but I interrupted him,and put my hand on his,

"I know what you mean,and thank you",He blushed,He looks so cute,He always looks so cute,Sometimes Hot,

After an hour of talking, eating,laughing,We were back in Zayn's Car,

"Are we going home?"

"Nope,not yet"


"Wait,you're not asking where we're going?"

"We both know that you're not gonna tell me"


"The beach?"I asked,and he nodded,

We got out of the car,Zayn took my hand in his,It was late and dark with a few lights which made it even more beautiful,I looked at Zayn to see him already looking at me,My eyes met His beautiful ones,His Hazel eyes that I learned to love,His features that were the most beautiful ones,The way he talks when he's Happy,Sad,Angry,The way he Knows me very well,

"Thank you thank you",I said hugging him tightly,

"Glad you like it Babe",

I took off my Heals and looked at Zayn to see him already waiting for me,He took my hand in his larger one,And Walked together.



How are you? How was this chapter,

So I wanted to say A massive thank you to all of you because I reached 1k votes,
I'm so Happy thanks a lot,
I updated for 2 reasons,for reaching 1K,AND ZAYN'S BIRTHDAY,

Keep voting

I love you ❤️❤️😙😘

-Fatima Al Taweel😍

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