Chapter 40

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Yay!Chapter 40,Dont forget to vote,

I woke up dizzy,My head and stomach hurt,I looked at the window to see it was still early,

Shit,I'm gonna throw up,

I ran to my bathroom,And threw up everything I had in my stomach,

After I was done I brushed my teeth,Then walked down stairs,filled a cup with water and two Advils,

I walked to my room and tried to fall back asleep,But that was Useless,My head was spinning,

I took my phone off the charger,before I could unlock it,I ran to the bathroom to throw up again,

"Sam?",I heard my Mother's voice,I wanted to answer but as soon as I opened my mouth I threw up,

"What's wrong?"She asked,I just shock my head,"Nothing"

I got up and brushed my teeth,I could feel her eyes on me,

"Go sit down,I'll make something for you to drink",

"I'm okay",I honstly feel like shit,

"I'll go",I sat in the bed,And closed my eyes,Minutes later my mother came back with a huge cup of tea,She sat next to me as I sipped the steaming tea,

"You look pale",She said and put her hand on my forehead,

"You're hot too,Let's go to the hospital",She said getting up,

"No,I'm fine,Really I'll be better in abit,No need to worry,Plus we have work in half an hour",I told her,

"Shit,I forgot",

"Mom,That's a bad word",I laughed abit and finished the last bit of my tea,

"You're not a kid any more,Oh and you're not going to work",she said and walked out of my room,that's her way to make me shut up and let me know that I have no chance in winning the argument,

I sat on the bed for seconds until the tea I drank minutes earlier began to rise,so I rushed to the bathroom,And threw it up,

I felt someone grab my hair,and rub my back,My dad always did that,

I got up to see Zayn,How did he get here?I brushed my teeth again before I spoke,

"Hi",I smiled weakly,

"Hey Babe,What's wrong?",He asked,taking my face in his large hands,

"I don't know,I woke up like this",

"You're Hot,like really Hot",He told me,

"Yeah,My mom also said that",I said as he walked my to the bed,

"Oh,Go to sleep,I'll call my boss and make you soup"

"No,Zayn I can't let you not go to work again,I'm okay"I told him,He's been taking days off alot for me,If I was his boss I'd fire him,

"Too bad,Already on it",He sat on the bed talking to his boss,It only took a moment and I was surprised that his boss agreed so quickly,He put his phone in his pocket as my mother walked in,

"Hey Guys,I'm gonna Call My boss to-",

"No need Mom,Zayn already took the day off",I told her and looked down at our hands,Zayn was rubbing some patterns on them,

"Zayn Honey,You don't have to,I-",Mom started but I cut her off,

"Guys,I'm fine,I probably caught a cold or something,I'll sleep it off"

"You threw up everything you drank,Someone has to stay with you,So Mrs. Matthews I'll stay with your stubborn daughter",Zayn smiled at my Mother,

"Are you sure Zayn?"

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