Chapter 30

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I didn't sleep well the other night,I kept having those dreams,more like flash-backs,I woke up crying at like 3 in the morning,So I went to the bathroom,and washed my face,then decided to take a shower,

After the shower I wore a black T,and a blue skinny jeans,I brushed my teeth and hair and put it in a high bun,I looked at the window then decided to go for a walk,I didn't go on a walk in ages,execpt for work,so I wore my shoes,locked the door and got out.

I woke aimlessly around,I just let my feet take me where they want,I took a seat on a bench,I was at a park and even thought it was early in the morning,There were a young couple sitting on the bench infront of me,they were cute,the girls head was on his shoulder,they looked so cute together,

I got up and walked back home,The weather is Nice today,I thought about walking more but decided agenst it,When I arrived Home I unlocked the door,but It was alredy unlocked,Werid,I didn't remember not locking it,

I got in anyway,

As soon as I walked to the livingroom I was attacked by a Hug,I hugged back,I mean a killer wouldn't hug me,so I assumed It was Zayn,because He smelled like Zayn.

"Where were you?why didn't you answer your phone?Why-".He asked as soon as he broke the Hug,but I cut him off by,

"I can't focus,One question at a time please".I smiled at him,

"Where were you?"

"I was walking".I said simply.

"Walking where?"


"Around where?"


"Sorry,why didn't you answer your phone?"

"I-I didn't hear it",I said taking it out of my pocket,

"Why are so worried?".I asked him.

"Uh- nothing?",his words came out like a question,But I brushed it off and smiled,I probably look like a smiling zombie,

"Did you sleep?",Is He Reading my mind?!!?


"Samantha",Now he's using my full name,

"Not really,I couldn't sleep well yesterday"

"How many hours did you sleep?"

"Five hours".Yes I counted,

"Awh Sam!Go have some rest"

"I'm fine"

"No you're not"

"But Harr-"

"Liam,Niall,Louis are helping Harry,they all took the day off".Zayn said looking at me,

"What about you?"

"I did too"


"Did you eat anything?".He ignored me.

"No,I'm not hungry".I said,It was true,

"Sam,please don't do this,You have to eat"

"Okay".I whispered,more to myself.

"I'll make you some soup,yeah?"

"Thank you"

"Go sit,I'll do it"

I left the kitchen and sat on the sofa,I was looking at the wall,till I was falling a sleep,slowly then all at once,my eyes were almost closed,as I saw Zayn coming,my eyes closed...

Hi guys!!

This Chapter suck,I know,But the next ones will have more events,action...Hopefully.

Follow 1D_arwa ,shes been from the start,and Roqiaaltaweel, coldplay_harry I'm sorry because I keep forgeting you guys,so If you want to be mentioned,Tell a friend or 50 about Safe Heaven,and comment on this :D,sorry again and thanks for reading,





-Fatima Al Taweel ❤️🙈

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