Chapter 16

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"Well,it started on a weekend in May,(A/N:see what i did there?),when I got home,My Mom rushed to me and told me that my friend was getting worse,My friend Hannah had brain tumor,the doctors tried everything they could,but she slipped in a coma,so My mom,Dad and I went to the hospital,I told my Dad to rush even more,He told me he couldn't but I insested,and out of nowhere,a truck came in sight and we crashed,the next day I woke up in a hospital,and when I asked about Dad,they told me that he passed away,and so did Hannah!".With that being said,I was crying my eyes out.

I didn't notice when Zayn came and sat on the bed.

"I'm so sorry!".he hugged me tight,it was comforting.

"Thats why I fear crashing,and trucks!".I sniffed.

"That's okay,you know what I fear?"He asked.

"What?".I asked as I whiped my tears away.

"Don't tell anyone"

"I won't,tell me!"

"I fear water,and hights".he looked down emberresed.

"Are you just saying this to make me feel better?".I asked, I mean Zayn,the strong Zayn fears water and hights?

"No,nobody knows but my friends and family"


"We should get some sleep,we have alot to do tomorrow!"

"Like what?"

"Uh- I really don't know,work?".I laughed at him,he joined too.

I now remember,Criss,the dinner.

"Good night!".Zayn said,already closing his eyes.

"Good night!".I replayed.

After a minute or two,


"Yeah?".He said opening an eye.

"Thank you for everything,you and the guys I- i just thank you guys enough!".Why am I emotional today?

"That's what friends are for,right?".He said looking at me.I smiled at him,and he returned the smile with a bigger one.

***The next morning***

I woke up to giggling,and talking,I opened my eyes to see everybody was here,which means time to go home.YAY!!

"Morning Sam!".Liam said,smiling brightly,he was the first to notice me.

"Morning!".They all responded together.

I got up and went to the bathroom,to see some clothes and my tooth brush,I brushed my teeth,changed my clothes,and got out.

"Lets go?"I asked getting excited.

Everybody got up,and Zayn handed me a cup of coffee,I thanked him for it as he waved it off.

We got home,took a shower ,did my hair,blah blah blah...and went to work,and so did mum.the boys tried to get me to stay home for the day, but I'm fine plus I have to go to dinner with Criss.I told my mum that I'm going out.

I opened the back door of the bakery,to see Harry in the kichen.

"Hi!".I said.

"Oh hi Sam,you should've stayed home"

"I'm fine,really!"

"Okay then,Get to work!".He joked.

I started serving,getting to certain table...

"Hi Sam!"

"Oh hi Criss,I didn't notice you, sorry!".

"It's okay,where were you?"

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