Chapter 46

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I woke up,Wore my Clothes,Did my Hair,Put some Mascara on and I was ready to go,I looked for my Phone to see it fell on the floor,Good thing that my bed isn't too high,

I got down And was about to sit till I heard A car,Is that Zayn?He's early,

I locked the door,And walked to the car,

"Hey babe",I said smiling as soon as I got in the car,

"Hi",He said,And immediately I knew that something was wrong,

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing",He's doing the one word answer,I frowned as he started the Car and drove

"There is something wrong,What is it?"


"Listen Zayn -"

"No Sam You listen,Am I not good enough to know what happenes in your life?DON'T YOU F*CKING TRUST ME?!MY GIRLFRIEND IS SOUPOSED TO TELL ME EVERYTHING ",He yelled and stopped the car,I looked to see that it stopped outside the bakery,


"I have to go,We'll talk about this later"


"I have work to do,We'll talk about this later",He said from between his teeth in anger,

"Okay"I whispered, and got out of the Car,

I walked to the bakery and unlocked the door,I sat on one of the tables, I sat there thinking about what happened,I really wanted to tell him,This is the first time he did this! I didn't expected him to yell at me,As I was thinking about it,I felt warm tears on my cheeks,I whiped them,But more kept falling,

I wa going to tell him,Why Can't I stop crying?

"Because you lov-",A voice in my head said, No I don't,Do I?,Can I love Zayn this fast?It's only been like 4 months,

"But you knew him before that!"

Shut up voices,

I started thinking about it,Can I love him!? I love His beautiful Hazel eyes,His voice, his personilty, his hair whether it's long or short , His long Dark eyelashes , The way he talks to me, the way he looks at me, The way he treats me like a princess(Other than today), Him, I love HIM,

I cried harder,For like five minutes,I wanted to calm down so I went to the bathroom and washed my face,Then I heard someone come in,I didn't notice I let the door open,

"Hi sam"

"Oh,Hi Criss"I smiled weakly,Still thinking about Zayn,

"Are you crying?",He asked and sat next to me,


"What did he do?"He interupted,


"Your boyfriend"

"He didn't do anything",I lied,

"Sam,you can do so much better",He said putting his hand on mine,But I quickly pulled it away,

"Why are you doing this?"I asked,

"Why are you doing this to yourself,He probably doesn't love ou like you love him." Is it that obvious that I love him?

"Get out",I said


"Get the hell out of here", I yelled,and soon he was out of the bakery,


I went to make a cup of tea in order to relax,After I made the tea I sat and waited for Harry,I also unlocked the doors,

I was sad,Angry,And Annoyed,He didn't hear me,He didn't let me explian That I was going to tell him,

Harry showed up after an hour of me opening bakery ,He kept apologizing because He told Zayn and he didn't mean to tell him,I kept telling him that it was okay,And I was going to tell him if he didn't blow up at me like that,

After everybody left , We started locking the doors, as usual I was the one locking the doors , when I heard a voice,A voice that I know well,A voice that I learned to love,

"Harry I'm her ride home,I'll take her"

"Fine,Ask her first"


I walked out,And smiled at both of them,

"You ready Sam?",Zayn asked,Not making Eye contact,

"Yes,See you later Harry",I waved goodbye to Harry,as I walked along with Zayn to his car,

We sat in the car, he didn't start it,

"Look,Zayn,I swear I-",I started,

"No Sam I overreacted,I was angry because you didn't tell me and I was scared that you don't trust me,Then when I thought about it again I realized that maybe you were tired Or you couldn't talk with me later thet night and I'm sorry I yelled at you, I was stupid,I still am for yelling at you and I -"

"Zayn,It's fine I'm not mad that you yelled,I was tired that night and went straight to bed I wanted to be the one to tell you,I trust you, I really do, When you came to take me earlier today I was about to tell you but you didn't let me,I lo-, I like you alot, More than alot And I would tell you everything",I can't believe I almost told him that I love him

"I'm so sorry babe, I shouldn't have overreacted",He said after hearing what I said,

"It's Okay",We both leaned forward,As our lips met

"I will make it up to you",He said breaking up the kiss,

"No,It's okay babe",He said starting he car and driving away,

We reached my house, I invited Zayn in as he politely Said that he had work to do, I let him go and went in,


Wow, they made up quickly,

So hi

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Thank for reading guys,

-Fatima Al Taweel ❤️❤️

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