Chapter 1 Classes

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Sakura POV

"Sakura wake up..." I felt a gloved hand shake me back and forth as I tumbled out of bed

"Hey watch it...!" I groggily stared up at my troller and saw Shino with a small smile on his lips

"Get up Sakura school is in a hour!" He poked my forehead and walked out of my room. Damn bastard friend! Slowly getting up I walked to the mini kitchen and opened the fridge in hope for some eggs but no ho ho theres nothing but some tomatoes....

"Kiba!" I yelled and heard bumping from the next door as Kiba stumbled through my door yawing with Akamaru by his side

"Yeah sakura?" He moaned sleepily and I giggled, I pointed to my little living room and told him to wait while I go raid his fridge, walking over to his room and rummaging through his fridge I saw a few eggs and bread.

"Oh Sakura!" Shino picked me up and pushed me in my room telling me to change while he handles breakfast.
Oh and I guess I should tell you our situation!

Shino, Kiba and I all live in the same Apartment building together luckily beside each other and them being my first friends in High school they come and hang out and we are basically a family!

I opened my closet and took out a white Tee shirt, pink sweater and Grey tights, Lazily put them on while I headed to the little bathroom to wash my face of oil and grime from sleep. Heading out of the bathroom I headed to where my friends were happily eating some eggs when I noticed Shino's pet Spider crawl on him so I put my finger on it's back

"Hi there Lila!" I cooed and the spider continued to crawl onto Shino's hair so I just sat beside Kiba and patted Akamaru.

"Did you guys get any homework done?" I asked and they nodded while finishing the last bit of eggs and started to pack for school. Quickly finishing my eggs I got my bag and we headed to our school Shippeuden High!

Shino POV

We headed out of Sakura's Room and waited for her by the front gates of our little home while our pets stayed home as if guarding. Finally she came out and the three if us headed to the school which was about a block away from our little apartment.

I looked at Kiba who still looked half asleep as he rubbed his eyes and my own eyes were a bit tired because we were studying for the same test..... Math!

We arrived at school and went to the school snack bar in the common room where there was only about 10 students giggling and gossiping so we just pulled out our wallets and decided for all 3 of us some rice balls and water bottles

"That will be 5$." The girl said happily as she handed us our lunch for today. Also I noticed that she swayed her hips and but her lips when she stared at Kiba, I wonder why?

I nodded and we headed to our first class which was bustling with giggles and shrieks

Oh god why.... I thought and we braced ourselves at the door and we slowly opened the door slipping to our seats by the window we looked to the corner and saw a huge and I mean 3/4 of the class jumbled with girls!

"Oh many again" Sakura groaned and we nodded in agreement while pulling out our binder, notebooks ready for our first lesson of the day..... Science!

We waited for the bell and the girls were Still there until the door slid open and more of our classmates trailed in and Finally Mr. Orochimaru came and sat down at his desk with a little box covered in velvet.

"Everyone to your ssseats!" He smiled and everyone scrambled to their seats in case they get stared down by the teacher and I snickered watching as the girls hurried out of the classroom with pouts and shrieks.

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